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"Where are you going?" Mr. Anderson stared

"To Jae's party," I said trying to unlock the door.

"You're not going Torres, it's a school night."

"Damn didn't know you were my fucking dad!?"

"It's late and there's weirdos out, a party doesn't seem like a great idea- drowning your body in alcohol and such." Mr. Anderson said

"Just stop."


"One minute you're Acting like you care and then the next you don't."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I feel used," Kali finally admitted

"You didn't tell me how you actually feel about me, it's like you did that for a distraction."

he sighs, "A distraction for what Ms. Torres?"

"Miranda!" I yelled

Mr. Anderson remained slightly surprised by Kali's sudden burst of emotions and her raised voice. He understood that she was upset and felt used by him, but he was somewhat taken aback by her reaction. He realized that she was right in what she was saying, but he also felt a sense of hurt and frustration at her attitude.

Kali snaps back with a quick remark of "That's what I thought," before heading toward the door to leave. However, Mr. Anderson quickly places his hand on the door handle, shutting it and blocking her way. He towers over her, leaving her with no choice but to remain in the room with him.

Kali and Mr. Anderson are now locked in a deep gaze with each other. The tense and charged atmosphere makes her heart race as her gaze is transfixed on his.

"My feelings are still uncertain and you have to realize that, you are my student and I am your teacher."

"That means nothing."

Mr. Anderson chuckles under his breath. "Kali."


"Do not What me,"
his voice assertive.


"I really do care, I do."

"And I'm sorry that you feel that way, I am."

"you're right, it was for a distraction, but then at the same time it wasn't."

"Believe me."

As the two remain locked in a stare with each other, Kali finally breaks the tension and embraces Mr. Anderson in a spontaneous hug. He is taken aback by this sudden maneuver and remains awkwardly still for a moment, not sure how to respond. He slowly wraps his arms around her and holds her gently in the embrace, seeming somewhat surprised and out of his element in this situation.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 affair +18 [ BWWM] discontinued Where stories live. Discover now