eleven; revelation

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"It came!" Quinn yelled, looking at the message on her phone. 

"What did?" Austin asked, the whole family sitting around the table. 

"Me and my friends took a DNA test for fun and the results came back. I feel like I already know everything but it'll be fun to check," Quinn responds, walking to the door.

The rest of the family followed behind her, panicking, knowing she'd find out the secret they kept from her. Quinn grabbed the envelope from the mailbox and made her way back inside and sat down on the couch.

"Why open it, you already know everything," Taylor said, nervously.

"Then it shouldn't be a surprise. Why are you so nervous?" Quinn asked.

"I'm not!"

"Great, then I'm going to open it," Quinn started, pulling apart the envelope.

Before anyone could snatch it out her hand, Quinn had already read the first line: "Mother: Taylor Alison Swift Father: John Clayton Meyer". Quinn dropped the paper, her eyes widened with shock and anger. Her sister was her mother and no one told her this whole time? Taylor lied to her and betrayed her again, it was stupid to think she'd ever change.

"I was so stupid, wasn't I? I'm going over to Selena's, don't fucking come for me!" Quinn screamed, storming out of the house in rage.

Taylor ran outside to see Quinn running past the corner while on the phone, probably with Selena. Selena, of course being the friend she is, texted Taylor that Quinn was safe with her and they could pick her up tomorrow. Taylor trudged inside, tears falling down her face, she knew it was her fault and she deserved it. 

"Sel said to pick her up tomorrow," Taylor said, walking upstairs, ignoring her family's calls.

"Trav, can you come over?" Taylor asked, as she called her boyfriend.

"Sure, babygirl, is everything okay?"

"No, I'll tell you once you get here," Taylor said, sniffling.

"Alright, babe, I'll be there soon," he said.

About fifteen minutes later, the tall man showed up at the door, confusing the rest of the family. After he told them that Taylor called him and asked him to come, they let him upstairs to her. Travis opened the door making Taylor quickly turn her head towards the sound. She jumped off the bed and straight into his arms, her eyes red from crying. He easily picked her up and sat down, cradling her in his arms.

"She knows, Trav, she knows," Taylor muttered.

"Wait, how?" he asked, confused.

"Her and her friends took a DNA test and she saw," Taylor said.

"I think you should tell her the truth."

"She hates me, she'll never want to talk to me," Taylor cried.

"I can't believe she didn't ever tell me and the fact that my fucking mother was gone of years of my life and my grandparents had to raise me. My mother never saw me get awards, she was never there when I got my appendix removed, or when I had to get those stitches. She was never there to comfort me when they bullied me at school. I cried for three hours straight in my grandmother's house. She'll never be my mother or even my sister anymore. Andrea will always be my mom and Scoot my always be my dad!" Quinn yelled, upset that Selena was trying to defend Taylor.

"Taylor made me promise that I'd never tell you this, I'm the only one who knows." Selena takes a deep breath before saying "John forced Taylor into doing things she wasn't ready to do and when he found out that those actions had consequences, he left. She was only eighteen and her career just started so Andrea took up the responsibility of taking care of you. When 1989 was released, she got more and more recognition and paparazzi would harass you, they almost trampled you before. She's the Taylor Swift, she can make as much money as she wants staying where ever she wants, she doesn't need to move away for that. She just wanted you to have a normal childhood and she let you think of Andrea as your mom, so a mother figure could be there for you, and she let you hate her because she wanted you to be away from the chaos."

Quinn stood there in shock, she didn't know what to say, her brain had barely processed half the information she was told. Taylor sacrificed her relationship with her to make sure she was safe? 

"Why didn't she ever tell me she was my mother then?"

"She wanted to tell you when you were ten, but right after your birthday, you had the surgery and she wanted to wait until you're okay. But she saw how much you hated her and she backed out, not wanting you to hate her more. She wanted to tell you but she was scared because you thought of someone else as your mother for such a long time. Go and sleep, it's getting late," Selena said.

Quinn slowly walked to the guest room as Selena's words kept circling in her head. Was Taylor really a good person she'd just misunderstood? 

"Quinn, hon, wake up," Selena said, gently shaking the girl.

"What?" Quinn asked, still sleepy.

"Your mother is here to pick you up," she responded.

"Which one?"

"Andrea, I didn't know if you were comfortable calling Taylor your mother."

Quinn got out of bed and fixed herself up before walking downstairs where her mother/grandmother was sitting on the couch. This was all so new for her and she didn't know what to think anymore. The drive home was completely silent, Quinn started out the window as she thought about her real mother. Quinn decided to talk to taylor just by herself so it would be less overwhelming.

Quinn walked into Taylor's room so see Taylor curled up in a blanket with tears and mascara running down her cheeks. She looked to the side to see a bottle of wine which was half empty and a couple pictures on the bed; Quinn bent over and looked at the pictures. It was pictures of baby Taylor holding a small girl, which was herself, Taylor looked so scared. There was one where Quinn was sitting on a bicycle and Taylor was holding her hands, guiding her. 

After a couple minutes of looking through the pictures, Quinn grabbed a wet tissue and cleaned up Taylor's face. She looked at Taylor's hand which held a locket in it, it was the locket Taylor tried to give Quinn for her tenth birthday but Quinn returned it. She took it from Taylor's hands and opened to see one side with Taylor who was pregnant and the other one with Taylor laying on a hospital bed, holding her. She felt an arm on her back, she turned around to see Taylor sitting up next to her.

"You wouldn't cry, no matter what the doctor's did, you wouldn't make a noise, we we're all so worried. A started to hum something and then you cried, I guess you didn't like my music back then," Taylor chuckled.

"Was I a good kid?"

"You always kept me on my toes. You'd love to wander around and you loved the scissors, you almost cut off my ponytail once. You would never eat food unless it looked fancy so I'd have to plate it really nice. You always loved to mess with Meredith, you're the only one she tolerated, she would love to see you again but my friend is taking care of all my cats for a week."

"Sounds like I was a tough kid to take care of,"

"But it was worth it, I wish I'd never left."

"Me too."

"I forgive you," Quinn mumbles.

"W-what?" Taylor asks, confused on what she just heard.

"Don't make me say it again!" Quinn exclaims, playfully.

"I- how?"

"Cause you showed that you care, that's all I ever wanted," Quinn said.

"Oh honey," Taylor cooed, pulling her daughter into her arms.

A/n: I know my stories are short but I'm planning on making the next one longer.

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