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*I own none of the characters, except me of course, they belong to Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, Eric Kripke and Cassandra Clare only the storyline is my own. I also own none of the villains in this story again they belong to Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss*

*Also NEW DOCTOR WHO TONIGHT!!! IT'S THE BELLS OF SAINT JOHN EPISODE!!!!!! But I'm sure that if any of my readers are Doctor Who fans you know that already*

*Another Note, as you may have noticed yes I wrote myself into the story...I needed a character... let me know what you think in comments below!!! and don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!*

The Doctor sat in the TARDIS wondering what he was going to do. He had thought that if he could get the Winchesters and Sherlock to get along they might get somewhere but they didn't get along Dean insulted Sherlock and John shot him, not that he stayed dead of course. Not even Castiel was able to mediate the fights and he could be pretty terrifying when he was angry. He had no other recourse. He had to call in the Shadowhunters and hope that they could deal with it. Maybe even that warlock with very flamboyant taste in everything, would probably flirt endlessly with Jack if he were here...oh what was his name??? MAGNUS BANE that was it. He stood put his glasses on and dusted off his suit, if he didn't do something soon they were going to wreck the TARDIS dust was already falling from the ceiling and just as he went to start the TARDIS Jack came stumbling down the hall hacking and coughing from all the dust, he sat down on the stairs and the Doctor started up the TARDIS it made it's customary grinding gears noises, while they were making these noises, as the TARDIS does, all he could hear was River's voice in his head "It's not supposed to make that noise, you leave the brakes on."

Then they were off. He set the destination for London in the 1800's and sat down beside Jack examining him with his Sonic Screwdriver, he'd been hit hard a good few times and had a couple of cracked ribs and he'd even been shot once, but overall he was fine, he was Jack Harkness after all and his wounds were already healing, really no major cause for concern. Just then they landed with a jolt and everyone came stumbling out of their respective rooms within the TARDIS to find out what had happened.

"Dude, what happened? did we crash into an asteroid?"

"No Dean, we landed, I'm picking up some more passengers so make yourselves presentable...Jack come with me." The Doctor left the others alone in the TARDIS, he didn't want them bickering all the way through 1800's London, but by happy chance they had landed right in front of the London Institute. He walked in to find his sister, Eileen, magically freezing Will and Jem in giant blocks of ice.

"What are you doing? I need them, and you, right away."

"I'm freezing them so that they don't die, then I'm leaving them here because Magnus is leaving on the next boat to America and said he'd pick them, and Church, up on the way, although I might take him with me, just in case." She picked up Church and scratched him behind the ears and they left the Institute behind on their way to Modern day New York.

When Eileen got to the TARDIS she was shocked at the level of disarray and then she heard raised voices, she turned to the Doctor "The Winchester along with Sherlock, John and Castiel? ARE YOU NUTS? THEY'LL KILL EACH OTHER!!!"

"They already tried to kill Jack, he had a gunshot wound earlier, it's gone now." As he talked he set the TARDIS for Modern day New York and then they were off with Eileen quickly joining they fray of raised voices and smashing sounds coming from the fight. The second they landed Eileen disembarked in a huff  and raced into the Institute fuming. She found everyone wandering around with books in their hands. She grabbed Jem, Will and Jace by the sleeves and dragged them into the TARDIS with Alec, Isabel and Clary following closely behind. She went back into the institute for a minute or two to release Church and then they were off again to save the world...if they could ever get the fighting under control...

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