Before We Begin {Important A/N}

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Hello my dears. Funnily enough, I promised myself I wouldn't get trapped in the nonsense Undertale au rabbit hole like every other fan, but here I am.

In my defense, not only was I left unsupervised, I also still don't like the au's. I just like whatever goofy mess of an Undertale dating sim this is. Yes, it involves four different alternate universes (or timelines or whatever you want to call them).'s so fun. How could I say no? :(

Anyways, I'd like to say thank you, first of all, for deciding to click on this and read it. Shocked you found me. This fanbase is huge,

Second, I will be taking requests! I want this to be largely made of what you all want (because I'm doing this for fun and games) rather than the nonsense I spout. There are some rules here, of course.

1. I will not be writing "mature" content. I am uncomfortable with it, and also as a Christian gal, it's not something I want to do. It makes my intrusive thoughts bad, too, so for the sake of my mental health as well, I won't be doing it!

2. Mild angst is allowed, I'm just not great at it when it's in a short oneshot. Also, I don't know how or why you'd want it in the context of a cute little dating sim? Do with that information what you will.

3. Nothing too gorey or gross, guys! Also for the state of my mental health. Please don't request anything involving gore or violence. It is not my cup of tea. I prefer chamomile.

4. I will do reader x character only here. I will not do oc inserts (it's difficult for me, I'm sorry). Platonic or romantic are both solid options. Just make sure you clarify, and I will tell at the beginnings of chapters what is going on. If nothing is stated, please assume that the oneshot will be romantic (which is way different from my other oneshot books, but again, it's based off of a specific fan-made dating sim).

If/when you request, just comment on this chapter (or on another requests chapter, when I get to writing more) what you would like. Please be specific! Say the character(s) you'd like as well as the gist of what you were thinking.

For example, you could tell me that you want a Rus x reader, with him comforting you after a panic attack (or something). That's just enough for me to have some wiggle room to write and just enough information to know what to write.

And third, I hope you enjoy. I hope whatever disastrous mess I create gives you some kind of enjoyment. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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