Chapter 4

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ding ding ding

"Morning all" Eggman Hollard through the speakers

causing the chameleon to wince at the loud pitch

normally he could brush his sleep to the side

but after last night, he would have been grateful for a few more minutes

but perhaps he did sleep a while, how would he know? there wasn't a clock

regardless he heard what the devil egg had to announce

"and welcome to your first official day as a part of the Eggman training" Eggman's voice chuckled sinisterly, making the chameleon grimace in instinct

"Today we will first start with meeting your colleagues" Eggman crackled as a buzzing sound was heard by the end of the announcement

including a shifting noise and shaking erupting from the furniture he was lying against

a force from his neck dragging him to the headrest of the bed

and with that, the bed and himself were pushed towards the roof where the chameleon was taken back as it split open

placing him in a completely new room

if you could call it that as the bed was surrounded by cell bars and bricked walls at the back

but whatever stronghold activated with the collar seemed to finally release, allowing him to take back his breath

sit up

and see the other unfortunate 4 subjects who were also picked

5 cell-like rooms circled connected with a large space in the middle being the only part free

it was claustrophobic, to say the least, which was not helping the chameleon nerves

but taking note of who else was in the room was a good distraction

in a clockwise pattern

sonic, shadow, tails and knuckles

all with the same analyzing and terrified faces to see his friends in cages like him

not that they had to re-connect as another familiar but much less welcomed face arrived, appearing from underneath as they, but of course in the only free part

"Although I am sure you all know one another" Eggman spoke once more, clearly continuing his little speech

"cut the theatrics Eggman, tell us what you plan to do with us" Knuckles demanded, the hotheadedness ever so strong

"as I said, you've all been chosen as I've decided to finally make use of your powers, as you all are too incapable to see how to truly use them" Eggman sighed boredly like a father repeating why their child was in trouble

"you 5 out of all your repulsive little friends have the best qualities for the Eggman empire, you should feel honoured" Eggman grinned in pride

"yes doctor, I feel so honoured to be leashed to a bed under the tyranny of a mad toddler man" Shadow sneered

"rest assured, it's only temporary...or it how long it takes for you all to become more obedient and loyal to the empire" Eggman shrugged

"that will never happen!" Tails declared

only resulting in the fox receiving a shock, causing the poor kit to fall to the floor of the bed

"tails!" sonic yelled protectively

"for someone so smart you sure don't listen to instructions" Eggman laughed at the poor child's discomfort

the crackling of electricity was heard on the chameleon side

seemed Sonic had done something to trigger his punishment, making the blue blur growl in pain himself

"Can I break whatever this is to get back on track" Espio interrupted in the hopes of avoiding further electrocutions

"such as what happened to our teams, you say you only chose 5, what are your plans for the others?" Espio asked as he did his best not to give away how he had no recollection as to what happened to them before finding himself in the cell

"ah well that's simple detective" Eggman answered, happy to get back on track

clicking his fingers as a TV badnick flew down into the room

"they proved no purpose that any machine could do better" Eggman stated as the TV flickered on

"so I had them destroyed" The vile man announced proudly

and with a slideshow showing the graphic pictures of their friend's corpses

Cream and cheese in Amy's arm surrounded by their blood with the piko piko hammer cracked in two

Rouges body parts machining into omega's diminished robotic parts

vectors head and Charmy helmet being all that remained


Tails threw up

Knuckles and Sonic electrocuted as they tried to destroy the bars in a rage

Shadow turns away emotionless

and espio in pure shock and horror, his mind not even able to comprehend the pictures



it didn't make sense, it-

(then who's screams did I hear last night?!) Espio questioned

meaning either these pictures or last night had to have been the trick

but what he hoped, was the pictures

"Happy with your answer" Eggman urged playfully

"no, those could have easily been faked" Espio huffed as he did his best to stay calm, doing his best to ignore the extra gore that could very easily been placed to truly convince them

"Hmmm, interesting theory" Eggman hummed as he walked over to the chameleon's cage, leaning towards him

"but believe what you want, I, unfortunately, do not have the bodies anymore, having either 6 feet under or disintegrated" Eggman grinned with an animalistic smile

"you sick!-" Sonic tried to yell but another shock stopped him straight

"oh no you don't, I don't need you going dark on me" Eggman scolded

"I believe I shall stop there, I'm already quite tired of you all, but I'll tell you this before I leave" Eggman quickly added

once a week you'll have the day to interact with one another, don't need you all losing your minds to the point of becoming useless" Eggman chuckled as he stepped back onto the middle of the platform


and leaving all 5 "subjects" a chance to talk 

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