Part 1

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Andi's POV:

It was September 5, the first day of school. I woke up in resentment and sadness that my endless summer... had ended. I sloppily did my bed and quickly ate my stupid breakfast, and finally brushed my annoying teeth and then hopped on my even worse bus. There is no stopping to what I'll do just to get a seat by myself on that bus. But I still hear the idiocy around me, the things the kids talk about? I can't even comprehend how someone could listen to that and not fall asleep. I constantly have this problem. I'm obviously not better than them. I just don't waste my voice on absent-minded small talk. When the bus parked, I met up with my friend Emma. We were walking into the school when an obnoxious dirt bike skidded right in front of us. We both yelled and backed away as our reflexes took a hold of us. "Sorry," was all this kid said. We stared as he gave Emma a wink and walked away in the most confident walk I had ever seen. Emma stood there staring into space in front of her.
"Hello?" I said as I waved my hand in front of her.
"He winked at me." She said excitedly when she broke from her trance.

"And I bet you're not the first,"

She rolled her eyes and we started walking in.

"Is he that new kid everyone was talking about? They say he has a really hot accent." Uh oh, this is how it starts, Emma's crushes.

"Is that what you heard? I heard he's the type of guy to stay away from..."

"Here we go. Where'd you hear that?" She said while she smirked.

"People.. I know a lot of people."

She giggled and we started walking to our separate first period classes. I was a little late due to our run-in in the parking lot. So I was jogging a little bit to get to my class. But I probably should have paid a little more attention to where I was going, because, BOOM. I tripped on somebody's foot and landed on my stomach. I was getting up when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. But their hands stayed on me a little longer than they should have.

"Whooa, Ok I'm fine. But thank you."

I turned around to see the new guy, just smiling.

No, grinning. Actually, smirking.

"No problem," He just stared at me and stayed in my way, and kept staring at me with his deep blue eyes. They were... evil but, ugh, gorgeous. I gave him a half smile and tried to walk forward. He stopped me in my path by moving in front of me. I looked up, confused and a little irritated.

"I need some help. Do you know where Principal Alonso's office is?" Australian. It was hot. Why was he still smiling? I would have replied with a 'find it yourself' or 'not my problem' but people consider me nice and I guess I should keep it that way. Even though I'm very different in my own head. I pointed to the office and he said, "Thanks" and started toward it. I finally got to my class, late, on the first day of school. This is not going to be a fun day.

Jax's POV

What a great day so far. The kids at my new school loved my dirt bike. I could see it in their faces as I passed them. They wanted to be me. And so far everyone is in love with my accent. I talked to a teacher in the morning and all she did was giggle and blush after every word I said. And the girls here are even better, and easier. I winked at one and she stopped moving. I though this day would suck but damn, this day's going to rock! I looked down at the sheet I got from the nurse and it told me to see Principal Alon- BOOM.

A girl had just hit the ground right in front of me. Of course I helped her up, I'm such a gentleman. But man was she cute. I couldn't help but stare. Oops.

"Whoa ok, I'm fine. But thank you," She said.

"No problem," Our eyes met. Wow, was she love-struck. But all she did was just look at me and then start to move forward. I jumped in her way and asked her about the principal's office. She just pointed and didn't even say anything. Why did she look annoyed? I guess she wasn't as love-struck as I thought. But hey, who doesn't like a challenge? This is going to be fun.

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