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Elizabeth had no idea that the blackout would cause this big of a power outage all around town and especially that it would have everyone seeking power and warmth for the night.

She especially wasn't expecting to be home alone while being close to the end of her pregnancy and getting ready to give birth to her and Jason's child.

She is doing her best to stay calm as the storm begins to pick up when she suddenly falls to her knees as she feels her water break.

She tries her best to try and walk only to collapse on the floor near the front door.


Jason arrives at Lucky's and heads towards the door getting ready to knock when he senses something isn't right so goes to knock on the door only to see that the door is unlocked.

He quickly opens the door and immediately walks insinde the house seeing Elizabeth laying on the floor unconscious he quickly yet gently scoops her up into his arms bridal style and heads right back out of the house toward his car.

He soon gets her settled in the passager seat of his car buckled in safely. He then runs back inside the house to get Cameron and takes him over to the neighbors house.

Jason kneels down to Cameron.

"Cam, you're going to stay here with Lucy while I take your mom to the hospital, okay."

"She and the baby are going to be okay, right?"

Cam asks him while picking his fingers.

"Yes, Cam. Your mommy and the baby are going to be just fine."

Cam looks back at him.

"Can I come and see her later?"

Jason returns the smile.

"I don't see why not."

Lucy smiles as she watches the interaction.

"The two of you are just so adorable."

Jason smiles at her before he turns back to Cameron.

"I'm going to go with your mommy to the hospital and I will come check on you later, okay."

Cameron nods his head before he hugs him.


Jason gently gives Cameron over to Lucy.

"Hey, buddy. Are you ready to have some fun?"

"Yeah! Let's go! Bye Jason! Take care of mommy and the baby."

"I sure will buddy. Have fun with, Lucy. Thank you."

Lucy nods her head.

"Not a problem. I hope that Ms. Webber and her baby will be okay. Here's my number. So, you can give me updated on her condition."

Jason takes her phone and types his name and number into her phone before giving it back to her.

She then leaves with Cameron inside her house while Jason heads to his car and gets inside, Quickly putting on his seatbelt and then starting the car only to start it and get there in the blink of an eye.

He then quickly gets out running over to the passenger seat opening the door taking off her seatbelt and gently picks her up into his arms and rushes inside the hospital.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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