A new beginning

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*Two years later*
I'm in college now. I met some new friends, all my friends from my old school moved away I still talk to them sometimes. I also met a new boy we are friends. He looks at me all the time and just smiles. It's weird but I don't mind it, but today I'm gonna ask him why.

Me: Hey um I have a question
Him: Yeah sure
Me: So why are you always staring at me while smiling?
Him: Oh ummm I have a crush on you
Me: oh ok.

We soon start talking, and maybe like a week later we start dating. Everything is going good.

*Four years later*

The boy I met in college is now my fiancé. We are going to be getting married in two months. Life is going great for me.

A new beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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