Chapter 17 Amanda

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She awoke still resting on him, but unlike how they had fallen asleep, she was now turned onto him snuggled against his chest. It took her back to the first night they had spent together and she had done a ditch and run. This morning she didn't want to do that. Truth be told she was fed up of fighting this. He did things to her body she had never felt before, he ignited a passion in her, and him, literally just taking her in the way he had been, got her so hot and bothered. She wondered for just a moment if that was what the attraction was, but she knew she had felt it on the first night, and the fear it brought with it had made her leave and want to act like it had been nothing. But if she was honest with herself her thoughts had been consumed by this Alpha, though she also had to admit the way he chased her? It made her feel alive, being the prey had resonated in her body like nothing before, maybe that was what she was meant to be.
She was exhausted her body ached from the copious amounts of orgasms he had pleasured her with. Thinking about her and him was a later her problem, as she snuggled down and went to sleep in his arms.
She wasn't sure how long she had slept when she felt him shift below her. Unsure of what to do or how to face this situation, she kept her breathing steady and her body limp, pretending to be asleep.
She felt him shift her onto the bed. She heard rustling of clothing and a few minutes later she heard her front door open and close.
Well at least that answered her question on how to deal with it, she didn't need to, he was gone.
Not moving for a while she just lay in her bed, her thoughts were plagued with the Alpha who had literally just rocked her world. She did like this, she did like the way he chased her, but he did have a habit of making her cum then fucking off so there was that. She decided that actually that was going to be her plan of action, just keep trying to keep him at arms length, and he will hopefully keep coming for her, was she relying too much on his need for her dynamic for this to work? Maybe! But if he started to loose interest she could always soften her approach. Was it wrong to play a game with him? But wasn't that exactly what he had been doing?
She wasn't sure how long she had laid there when her alarm went off, fuck, work! She was due to meet with Delta and Devon today at the office, well shit, that was going to be fun. She pulled herself from her bed stretching and feeling all the aches and pains that were the results of last night. Steps to the shower were painful as her arse gave her all too real reminders of what had taken place, oh goddess had he made her hurt but in a totally delicious way.
After giving herself as warmer shower that she could, she washed away the physical evidence of the night before and dressed for work. She had had multiple messages from Devon asking if she was ok after last night. HA! She guessed he didn't mean the sore arse and aching limbs from the good boneing she had received from her passionate Alpha - when did she start saying 'her' Alpha, she wasn't sure she liked that, did she?
She left the messages unchecked and made her way into work, if he was worried nothing would show she was better than seeing her.
Every move reminded her of last night and by the time she arrived at the office she was a little angry and a lot turned on.
When she walked into the office Robinson had already guided both Delta and Devon into the board room, she was partly glad she didn't need to face Devon alone, but the few times Lucien had seen her with Devon had left her thoroughly fucked - literally, so she hoped there weren't two Alphas at loggerheads when she walked in.
Pushing the door open, Robinson jumped to his feet. "Ahh Amanda we were waiting for you, seems Devon thought you may not be in today."
Her eyes shot to Devon, in a grazing look. How dare he assume anything about her.
"No I'm fine, a little tired but fine thank you."
"It's just you seemed so off kilter when I left you last night." Devon replied smiling gently. Again how dare he mention last night in the boardroom.
"That's funny because she seemed just fine when I saw her last." Lucien replied with a larger grin towards her.
It was Lucien's turn for a glare.
Devon shifted and his eyes changed slightly, locking eyes with Amanda he replied, "Yes but you only saw her at the beginning of the evening, I on the other hand I saw her all evening.
A small growl came from Lucien and her eyes shot his way she noticed his demeanour had changed too, eyes blown, breathing almost a pant, but her look told him to remain silent, which he did. Goddess all these Alpha pheromones were causing her already incredibly damp panties to become soaked. On
looking round the room trying to distract herself, she found every one of the 6 Aloha's in the room were acting oddly, Fuck, she suddenly felt like prey to a pack, and that was not a good feeling for an omega.
She stood and excused herself from the room, before,, before what? She didn't know, but what she did know was that she felt the need to flee and her instincts had never let her down yet.
A couple of seconds later Robinson followed her.
"Fuck Mandy, what's happened to you?"
She looked at him perplexed, what had happened to her, thinking about it she did feel odd, she felt flushed and a little dizzy, she also felt extremely turned on, looking at Robinson she had the strange urge to brush against him like a cat. Robinson was right what the hell was wrong with her?
"I think I need to leave," she said to no one in particular.
"You do," panted Robinson. "Because Amanda, I don't know what you have done, but your smell is going to push me over the edge in a moment, my Alpha is screaming at me to mount you."
She looked at him, mount her?That kinda seemed like a good idea, the thought of being mounted right now was something she very much would like.
"GO!" Robinson ground out from gritted teeth, "don't run, but go."
She took heed and made her way slowly to the elevator.
Something indeed was wrong with her, she had never been ill in her life.
Deciding to walk back to hotel she made it through the scarcely populated streets. Her main goal to get back and hide herself away, she felt the need for soft blankets and pillows and to snuggle up with her Alpha in them.
Shit! Shit! Shit! On realisation of what these thoughts could mean she hurriedly entered her hotel room and triple locked the door, she needed to be away from any Alpha, how the fuck was she going into heat? Her suppressants had never given her an issue before.
Immediately she comed her doctor in Midland, forgetting all about the time difference and realising she had at least another 3 hours before they opened, another three hours of complete hell.
She went to her room set an alarm for three hours and snuggled into her sheets, the best way to wait this out was to sleep she was sure of it.
When she awoke sometime later, her head was banging, the banging was so loud. It took a moment to realise the banging wasn't her head at all but the door. As she got closer she could hear Lucien shouting from the other side. "So help the goddess Amanda if you don't let me in this room this minute I will break the fucking door down!"
Fuck, what the hell was she supposed to do, she moved to the door and sneaked a peek through the peep hole.
A large bang on the door made her jump and caused her to step away.
"Open the fucking door Amanda I can smell you from here."
Holy hell, she wanted nothing more for him to enter and nail her for days, but if she was going in to heat, it was that that was causing the problem, she couldn't let him in, she didn't want to be knocked up by any Alpha not even Lucien.
"Go away Lucien, I don't want to see you."
"Goddess be damned omega," he yelled. " you better open this door, it's my cum still dripping out of your pussy from last night, and I won't take no for an answer."
"You're going to have to!" She yelled back.
What if he did break the door down, she would be helpless in this state, but a couple of shunts from the other side, told her her door was Alpha proof, so breathing a sigh of relief she backed away. Or should she? Just a little interaction with her Alpha couldn't hurt could it? Yes, yes it fucking could.
The banging continued for at least another hour, she had retreated to her bedroom and buried her head under the pillow so she couldn't hear the expletives and commands he was throwing her way. The last thing she needed was to hear him, as her body so wanted to give in. By the time her alarm went off, to tell her the clinic was open, she was in a terrible state, her temperature was high, her body ached and her thoughts had consistently consisted of needing Lucien to fuck her - no, not just fuck her, knot her and breed her.
She explained to her doctor what was happening, he asked if she had missed a tablet, one single miss could offset the balance, she hadn't, had she purchased her prescription in North Outland? No she hadn't.
She had made sure that before she left she had more than enough for her stay. Had she kept regular timings? Timings with suppressants were so important. She wasn't sure about that, but said she had been fastidious. The doctor concluded she had purchased a bad batch from somewhere and if she could discard the rest from that packet and if she could start a new packet. She breathed a sigh of relief because that she could do. However, then came the sucker punch. "Ms Redford, it can take up to a month for the new batch to really kick in, please try to refrain from going outside and mixing with Alpha's and under no circumstances should you enter a sexual act with one. You are vulnerable right now and could go in and out of heat at no notice."
She thanked the doctor for his help. A month? Don't go outside for a month? Was he insane, how could she do that? In less than a month she was meant to return to Midlamd. She needed this campaign up and running.
She screamed to the air and having nothing else to do, she took a suppressant from a new packet, she comed Robinson and her boss and explained to them both what had happened, she was embarrassed by the situation but they both seemed understanding. When she finished the com she went back to bed.
Devon had arrived sometime later, and had also tried the knocking down the door tactic, but he also went away getting no reaction from her.
This was going to be hell on earth.
She seemed to drift in and out of consciousness over the next few days, when she was conscious her fever was crazily high and her need to call her Alpha was insane.
It was on the 5th day that everything hit its worse. She awoke covered in sweat and severe cramps causing her to double over in pain, was this normal for a heat? She couldn't take it anymore, she needed her Alpha, she needed him deep inside her.
She relented and picked up her com.
She couldn't think straight or see straight, the pain in her was so intense she was sure she was dying.
She was hallucinating too, four men in face masks had arrived and were taking her somewhere, in her dream they put her in a transport, then on a plane. The dream was so fuzzy she could only barely remember it when she awoke from a sharp cramp in her tummy.

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