°Chapter 2: Pancakes?°

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|| Respectively told in third person.||
[Continues the story from Chapter 1: A Deep Forest]

"The village again?... you know how much I hate going into a place filled with humans." Alastor goans. It had been two weeks since he went to the human village but he hated that place. He only goes there for entertainment after all.

Lucifer chuckles "Come on, Al! It's for pancakes! Once more we haven't been there for two weeks!" He said to Alastor who was pretty much hating the idea. Alastor groaned "Fine. For pancakes." He said as he knows he cant say 'no'. Lucifer always convinces him one way or the other.

Alastor shifted back to his human form and along side Lucifer they walked to the village.

Upon arriving the village seems quieter than regular days. Almost as if it was empty but there was still a few people roaming... just less than last time.

The two couldn't care less. This was actually perfect! They both hated being around a lot of people, especially since they were both pretty introverted in that forest.

They both roamed until Lucifer let out an excited squeak. Alastor knows this is the queue. "Al! Look! It's there! I all its glory!" Lucifer exclaimes as the quickly pulled Alastor. Alastor was not happy that he was dragged like that. Clearly not happy. They stood infront of a café.

Alastor rarely visits around the village, about once every few decades. Each time he does the place changes, but this-, This never changed for about two decades now. The café has always been there for two decades. Alastor never payed much attention to it, He was never interested in sweets and dessert.

"Let's go in!" Lucifer said excitedly as they both entered the door. Lucifer is more used to the village, he comes around once every few weeks for pancakes. He had discovered this café only about 6 years ago and ever since then he'd been coming back.

The two looked around and saw an empty table for two just about by the window. They sat down and they were greeted by a waitress. The waitress seems to have already met Lucifer before, of course she has. After all our little shape shifter is often at the café!

"Oh! What a pleasant visit Lucifer! Here for another batch of pancakes?" She smiles and looks over at Alastor "And who might this fellow with you be~?" Her tone changes to a more flirty one. She's clearly interested in Alastor. Too bad he doesn't care.

"This is my friend, Alastor!" Lucifer introduced. Alastor doesn't usually smile unless he's around his friend. But he forced one anyways.

The waitress was staring at Alastor, which made him kind of irritated of this lady. The waitress spoke again "Oh sorry! I spaced out!" She laughed a little. "Anyways you want what you always get Lucifer?" She asked Lucifer. It was obvious she was still looking over at Alastor. He was irritated. As much as he can he ignored the waitress.

"Yeah! And Alastor also getting pancakes! He's trying them out!" Lucifer, Oblivious to the feelings of the waitress to his friend, Continued to smile. The waitress did eventually leave to prepare their order.

As soon as she left, Alastor relaxed a little. He let out a heavy sigh. Lucifer noticed this and looked kind of concerned. "Are you okay? That was a pretty deep sigh." Lucifer asked with concern in his voice.

Alastor was NOT okay. He felt uncomfortable around that woman, mainly because she was trying to flirt with him. "Not really... I'm kind of uncomfortable with... her." Alastor with pure seriousness in his face.

Lucifer understood this. The first time he came the same waitress also acted this way towards him. "Don't worry, She'll eventually stop once she notices you're not interested. She also used to do that to me the first two or three times I went here. We'll leave after eating, okay?" He said in a comforting voice.

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