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‎ 🕷️ 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐓
‎ chpt ! one

                                     ‎ 🕷️ 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐓                                    ‎ chpt ! one

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The moon shun brightly admits the clouds, distance stars glimmering within the night sky. A cold breeze braces your face, sending a shiver down your spine. Your eyes flutter closed for a moment as you walk, inhaling deeply before exhaling heavily as you embrace the cold wind.

Your car keys jingle in your left hand, twirling the keychain around your index finger in a circular motion. Aside from the moons natural glow, tonight had been considerably dark compared to the night prior. The occasional street lamp and lit buildings proved to be useful, without them you're almost sure you wouldn't be able to see a thing.

You had been on your nightly patrol around areas highly active with rogue vampires, having received a report from worried residents earlier that day. As you mindlessly strolled. you found yourself completely lost in thought. Having gone ignorant to your friend practically hollering at you through your phones speaker.

"Hey!" Her voice blared on the other line, your brows pinching together in displeasure as you yank the device away from your ear.

"Did you hear anything i just said?" Utahime asked, though she already knew the answer.

"Mhm." You hummed a response with a curt nod, as if she can actually see you. You grab your keys within the palm of your hand as they circled around your finger one last time, finally giving her your full attention.

Prior to you spacing out, the two of you had been discussing an upcoming mission assigned to you per request of an agency you work for. A close friend of yours, Utahime, having finally caught you while you weren't too busy.

The Satoru family is a name well known, a high percentage of Tokyo bombarded with their influential presence throughout their everyday life. Be it through articles, magazines, social media and so on. They're hard to miss, especially with their growth in popularity.

The family owns a big fashion company, a trusted brand in both product and face. Being in the spot light as they are, it's natural they're questioned by citizens and paparazzi.

During a recent press conference, the Satoru family were asked of their opinion on the dangerous increase in rouge vampires, which they were quick to politely dismiss answering and change subject. This unwillingness to shed light on such a serious topic has raised suspicion amongst citizens and fans, some speculating the family may very well be vampires in hiding themselves.

Which they are.

In a desperate and sloppy attempt to clear their name, the Satoru family's heirs have gotten themselves tangled up in some shady shit behind the scenes. Overcome by fear, they've grown ignorant to the dangerous repercussions of their foolish actions.

In turn putting their youngest in possible harms way.

His parents are concerned for his safety, Satoru's careless nature proving troublesome for both himself and those around him. His parents decided amongst themselves to find their son a bodyguard. With your mother in current ownership of a string of executive protection agencies, answering their call for help wasn't hard.

"But anywho," Utahime spoke. "The ancestral ritual will commence in a couple months, you'll have to kill him before then."

"How exactly? I'm sure he's looked after at all times." You ask, turning a dimly lit corner as you continue your nightly patrol.

"Yeah, by you." Utahime responds, "You're going to be those eyes, things will run smoothly that way. You aren't meant to kill him upon meeting him, of course."

You roll your eyes. "Way to state the obvious."

"Not my fault you ask self explanatory questions." Utahime was quick to retort with a smart remark. You click your tongue in response, refusing to indulge Utahime in a pointless argument this late at night.

The two of you continue conversing amongst each other, Utahime's presence always serving as good company. You circle around the perimeter a few extra times just to be cautious before deeming the area safe, sending a report of confirmation through the agency.

You make your way across an empty parking lot to your vehicle, unlocking your doors and hopping into the drivers seat. Your muscles immediately relax once in the confines of your car, shoulders slumping with a heavy sigh.

"So, this Satoru guy .." You move to insert your key, starting up the engine. "What's he look like?"

"I'm surprised you don't know what he looks like, considering his status." Utahime responds, her voice accompanied by the sizzling of cooking ingredients.

You place your phone down on the passenger seat and putting Utahime on speaker, settling yourself and your belongings before pulling out of the parking spot. "You know i'm not on social media much."

"Yeah, you're a bit of an odd ball." Utahime snickers, earning a confused look from you. "But that's what i like about you."

Your brows knit together for a moment before relaxing, deciding to shrug off Utahime's comment. It wasn't a first for you anywho, lots of different people have acquired diverse opinions on your character.

"I left a few folders on your desk." Utahime said. "All the information you'll need will be inside them."

You hummed in response, your eyes clued to the road as you focused on the journey back home. "Okay, cool. Thank you hime."

"No problem." Utahime voices through the other line. "Good luck, Miss bodyguard." Before you could respond negatively to the new nickname, Utahime had already hung up.

Your gaze shifts momentarily down at your phone screen, lips slightly parted in disbelief. "Miss bodyguard?" You repeat her words on your tongue, involuntarily grimacing.

"Ew .."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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