Ch-4 "Scars of the soul"

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As they sat by the crackling fire, Hyunjin's gaze wandered upward, taking in the sight of the shelter they had stumbled upon-a weathered structure nestled against the rocky outcrop, resembling a cave with its almost open roof. Despite its worn appearance, it exuded a sense of tranquility, offering a refuge from the uncertainties of their journey.

With gentle hands, they kindled the flames, coaxing warmth and light from the dancing embers. The aroma of roasting meat filled the air, mingling with the earthy scent of the forest. As they shared a meal cooked over the open flame, their conversation ebbed and flowed like the flickering firelight.

Hyunjin found himself drawn to Minho's presence, his heart warmed not only by the fire but by the quiet strength and kindness he had witnessed in their brief time together. Beside him, Minho's eyes sparkled with the reflected glow of the flames, his expression softening with each passing moment.

In the gentle embrace of the night, Hyunjin's thoughts drifted to the last fight they had faced together. He remembered vividly the moment when Minho's powers had manifested-wings of light and electricity crackling in the air. "Hyung?" he ventured softly, breaking the comfortable silence.

Minho turned to him, listening attentively. "How did you get your powers?" Hyunjin asked, his voice filled with curiosity and a hint of hesitation.

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the crackling of the fire. Hyunjin wrestled with the decision to ask, unsure if he was prying too much into Minho's past. But then, he met Minho's gaze, and in those eyes, he saw understanding and acceptance.

With a soft smile, Minho nodded, his expression gentle. "I'll tell you," he replied, his voice warm with sincerity. And as the fire crackled and danced in the darkness, Minho began to explain the nature of his abilities, unraveling the mysteries of his powers and their connection to the elements around them.

As Minho began to narrate his story, his voice carried the weight of each memory, each moment etched into his soul like scars on his heart. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be transported back to that fateful night.

"The moon," he began, his voice soft yet filled with emotion, "hung like a pale lantern in the midnight sky, casting its eerie glow upon the ancient trees of this enchanted woods. The night was alive with whispers, secrets that danced on the wind."

He paused, the memories flooding back with vivid clarity. "And then, from the darkness," Minho continued, his voice catching slightly, "emerged a figure-a sinister presence, shrouded in mystery. Before I could react, strong arms ensnared me, pulling me into the shadows."

As he spoke, Minho could feel the tight grip around him, the crushing weight of helplessness pressing down on his chest. He could almost taste the fear that had gripped him in that moment, the overwhelming sense of dread as he was dragged further into the unknown.

"Waking up in my chamber," Minho's voice trembled with the memory, "the pain was raw, the memories still fresh in my mind. My wings," he paused, his voice catching, "once a symbol of freedom, now cut and restrained."

He could feel the ache in his new wings, the phantom pain of captivity haunting him even now. And as he looked into Hyunjin's eyes, his reflection staring back at him with eyes filled with fear and determination, Minho couldn't help but feel the weight of his own resilience.

"It was their intent," he continued, his voice steady yet filled with emotion, "to destroy me, to break me down until there was nothing left. But instead," he paused, a sense of defiance creeping into his tone, "they only made me stronger."

As Minho finished his story, he opened his eyes to see Hyunjin's expression-a mirror of his own pain, his own anger, his own determination. In that moment, Minho realized that their bond went beyond mere friendship-it was a connection forged in the fires of adversity, a shared understanding of pain and resilience.

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