⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚The have fallen

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Being a fallen angel is... A bad thing. Siding with Lucifer in Heaven is also... Well... Probably a good thing or a bad thing, I mean yes, He's still my friend but... Is it actually worth it? Probably yes.

I'm standing next to him on his throne, With an empty throne that belongs to Charlie, And Lilith which she's there.

"Y/n, Will you check on Charlie?" Lilith asks, I nod.

I went to Charlie's room, And knocked on the door, "Charlie? Are you there? Your mother and father are waiting for you in the throne room."

A muffled noise was heard, It was Charlie. "I'm fine, Just... Putting on my dress.!"

I closed my fan, "Do you need help?" I said.

"Oh, uh... Yeah! Sure!" She replied, Struggling.

I teleported inside her room, "Oh, Hi Y/n! Why didn't you just open the door?"

"I thought it would be easier this way." I approached her.

"Can you pull the zipper up?" She asks, "This dress is so tight!" She continued.

"Then, why did you wear it?" I questioned, Easily putting the zipper up.

"Mom said I have to." She sighed, "Can you breathe?"

"Barely." She replied.

"We have to get you out of this dress. I want you to be as comfortable as possible." I lay my fan down in the drawer.

"O-oh... Uh.. okay sure!"


"Okay, Is that better?"

Charlie smiled, "Yep, Thanks Y/n. You're the best!" She hugged me.

I was rather taken aback by the hug, But hugged her back, "Now, let's go. You're mother and father might get suspicious that we're not there by now."

She let go, "Yeah, you're right. Let's go!" She grabbed my hand, "Let me just get my fan." I took my fan, and we headed to the throne room where Lilith and Lucifer are waiting.

Lilith is rather calm, While Lucifer looks a bit impatient.

Lilith looks at our direction, "Good, You two are here. You arrived just in time."

"Charlie, My dear. Why aren't you wearing the dress I told you to?" Lilith questioned, "It was too tight, She can barely breathe. Your majesty." I replied.

"I see. Well then, Let's head for dinner." Lilith stood up, "Before that, May I speak with you Y/n? In private?" Lucifer asks, and looks at me.

"Of course, Your majesty."


"What is it, Your majesty?"

Lucifer pouted, "You know you can call me by my name."

I chuckled, "Apologies, Lucifer. Force of habit." He smiled.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I ask, He simply replied, "Extermination day is near. I'm afraid more and more demon will get exterminated."

I tilted my head, "And you want me to...?"

"I'm warning you. I don't want my... Servant and friend to get hurt." I simply smiled behind my mask.

"That's rather sweet of you Lucifer." His face went a bit red,

"You're welcome..."

"Let's go to Lilith and Charlie, They're probably waiting for us." I said.

"Yeah you're right."


I sat down on my bed, "How long am I here? Probably a million or something... Weird. I heard if a kitsune reached one thousand years it will ascent to heaven. Am I a bad person? Do I deserve this? I remember how I physically died, Getting hit by a truck while saving a little kitten...' I thought to myself.

I took off my mask, and placed my fan in the drawer, and sighed, "I should sleep, I need to take a rest." I mumbled,

I turned off the lights, and lay down on my bed, and drifted to sleep.


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