chapter 1: Meeting the turtles

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It had been a week since the Kraang invasion. The turtles were in the Lair, getting ready for patrol. "ugh, so he have to go?" Mikey whined, just wanting to stay home and read comics "yes Mikey, we have to." Leo replied. they had finished cleaning the Lair a day or two ago and were now going on Patrol for the first time in a week since the invasion. Leo then grabbed his swords and they ran out on Patrol.


In a warehouse near the docks sat a group of five teenagers, two of them human, the other three mutants. The first human; Grace, a red head who had pink streaks of hair, wearing baggy pants and a pink and gray crop top, and is like the mother of the group. The second Human: Rebecca, was a brunette wearing a tee-shirt and some shorts, leaning against a wall, eating a lollipop and texting her little sister.

The first Mutant was a mutant ghost named Hannah, dark brown hair, she often floats or flies, helping her get around easier and giving her an advantage of being able to float through walls easily, she was wearing something similar to Grace but was wearing white and yellow instead of pink and gray. The second mutant named Rubie, is Rebecca's twin, a brunette, Rubie generally wears a blue or green and black long sleeved shirt with jeans, is an angel-devil mutant with an angel wing on her right and an devil wing on the left, she generally wears contacts with Rebecca wearing glasses. And last but not least, the third mutant, a mutant black cat named Isadora, she generally wears a pair of jeans with a gray and maroon top and sunglasses, she absolutely adores fashion and loves violence, anything violent and she is up for it.

The past month or two have been generally hard on them all. Rubie and Rebecca being 17, Hannah a 16 year old, Grace also 17 but older than Rubie and Rebecca by a month or two, then Isadora is also 16. the small group of Teens have been on the run from the Purple dragons for a while. Xever took them in, and just like Mondo, they trusted him. after about a week, they saw what happened to Mondo, who Rubie and Isadora had bonded with after about a day, and they ran away. They are still friends with Mondo Gecko, of course, they see him every monday - wednesday and hangout together. but today, they realized Mondo had not arrived withing a 15 minute time range of when he is supposed to be there, and they got worried.

"where do you think Mondo is? I hope he is ok. but what if he's not ok!?" "Grace, Rubie's started spiralling and overthinking again!" Hannah said, in a bit of a tired tone. "ok, ok, I'll deal with her." Grace then proceeded to walk over to Rubie and calm her down, reassuring her Mondo was fine and that he's probably on his way. "maybe he's just on his way and was at the other side of town, it takes at least an hour of walking or running to get from here to the other side."

Rubie started calming down "Thanks for calming me down Grace." "Anytime Rubie"


Mondo had completely forgotten about the meet up and was hanging out with Mikey after the patrol. "I feel like I'm forgetting something" Mondo said "then it probably wasn't important" Mikey replied without missing a beat. "Ehh, your probably right"


"IM FREAKING OUT!!! ITS BEEN AN HOUR AND MONDO STILL ISN'T HERE" Rubie was yelling at this point and was getting ready to go find him herself. Rebecca noticed Rubie was leaving and asked where she was going, "I'm going to go get Mondo" was all Rubie said, answering her twins question while leaving the building. "ok, just be careful out there." "don't worry Twinkie, I'll be fine" Rubie then started flying and left the building on a search for Mondo.

After about five minutes Rubie found Mondo talking to a turtle Mutant hanging out with them. Rubie then swooped down, landed on the top of the building and told The turtles mutant to be quiet so she could scare Mondo. The turtles understood and stayed quiet. Then Rubie approached Mondo and yelled, "BOO!" this startled Mondo causing Mondo to jump and yellow "RUBIE" "HAH! that's what you get for forgetting about our usual hangout." Mondo then realized that was what he had forgotten and started apologizing about forgetting. "it's fine Mondo. we were just worried about you." "sorry. oh, and I haven't introduced you guys to each other!" Mikey and Rubie both replayed instantly with "oh yeah. you haven't" "Rubie, this is Michealangelo or as we call him Mikey. Mikey this is Rubie." "nice to Meet you Mikey!" "Nice to meet you too Rubie."

"now. Mondo." Mondo gulped "y-yes?" "c'mon. we gotta go. they'll be worried about both of us if we ain't there in ten minutes or less. you can come too if you would like Mikey!" "OK! I'm fine with coming." "It's settled then. come." they started walking to the warehouse as it started to get late, one of the only times they were safe outside.

2012 TMNT (feat. my main 4 OCS & my TMNT oc that I have no pic for)Where stories live. Discover now