Chapter 3/ This isn't Working Out.

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      Though they had met a week ago and been on two or three simple missions together, Kisame found himself unable to get closer with his partner. Itachi always had something better to do than talking to Kisame.
    After all, Itachi was MUCH better than Kisame. He had beautiful silky hair that was always well maintained unlike how Kisame's hair sort of did whatever it wanted. But aside from hair, Itachi was just generally more put together. Kisame was always frazzled, something was always going wrong when he was around. He was like bad luck!
     One morning, however, Kisame knocked at Itachi's door, determined to show him he was worth giving the time of day. Itachi had opened the door just a little and light shone in through the sliver of the opening. Light glinted off of his glasses but otherwise Kisame couldn't see the smaller man at all. Kisame pushed the door open further and Itachi stepped back into the darkness of his room.
When Kisame flicked on the light he saw Itachi. Itachi wasn't his usual put together self, he looked tired and he was in a big wrinkled shirt and baggy pajama pants. Not only that, but his hair was messy and unbrushed. Also, had he always had glasses? Kisame looked at Itachi closely and then Itachi rushed to push him out of his room.
     "Get out."
     "Get out."
Itachi slammed the door in Kisame's face. Kisame didn't even get to tell him why he had came in in the first place! So, Kisame knocked again. This time, the door swung open and Itachi looked pissed.
     "What do you want?" Itachi questioned no, getting frustrated with Kisame's persistence.
     "We have a mission to go on today, we have to leave in an hour." Kisame stepped back as he spoke, deciding he didn't want to anger Itachi further.
    Itachi closed the door again without replying to Kisame, more so because he had nothing left to say instead of being angry. Kisame furrowed his brows in frustration. Seriously, did Itachi really think he could just slam the door in his face like that?

He walked into the common area of the hideout, which wasn't used too often but Sasori was already there, sitting and waiting for the mission to begin. Kisame was aware of how much Sasori despised waiting, but Sasori couldn't be upset when the mission didn't start for another hour. Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a much higher and relaxed voice than he had expected.
"Is Itachi ready to go get that explosive brat?"
"Hm," Sasori hummed, taking off his hat and slipping out of his Hiruko puppet. It had to have been uncomfortable to stay in that puppet for a long period of time.
Kisame watched with curiosity, he had never really had a conversation with Sasori before. Sasori Akasuna, from the Hidden Sand village. He specialized in puppets, and was even a puppet himself. Everyone in this damned organization was so hard to read. All he knew about any of them was their reputation around the world.
What did he even expect, living with mass criminals as roommates. Hell, they weren't even roommates! It was just a criminal organization. It was work, not a place to have fun and socialize.
Before he knew it, the hour had passed and Itachi emerged from his room. He was no longer disheveled from sleep, in fact he was more put together than most days. Kisame felt a pang of disappointment, he had enjoyed seeing itachi's perfect act fall, even if just for a moment.
The three of them set out, their task was to recruit one of their final two members. However, the introduction of new members meant that pairs were to share rooms now. Kisame had already gotten his stuff ready to move into Itachi's room and Sasori's room was ready for their new recruit.
Honestly, Kisame wasn't too fond of the idea of sharing a room with Itachi Uchiha. It sounded annoying. His bossy-looking teammate was sure to judge Kisame for everything he did. He would surely just ruin everything with his excessive tidiness. Was it even worth is to speculate how this would turn out? Itachi barely even talked to him on missions, he would probably ignore him the same way now.
Kisame stood by as Itachi did most of the work recruiting their newest member. His name was Deidara, a pyromaniac. He seemed to be passionate about his "art" if you could even call it that. Kisame guessed that was why he was paired with the puppeteer. Kisame didn't see the appeal in art.

Once they were back, Kisame moved his stuff into Itachi's room and set up his side of the room. He had expected Itachi to be cleaning or organizing something like the neat freak he is, but as soon as Itachi had gotten into the room he collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep.

      Kisame finished up making his own bed and changed into comfier clothes before, but he found falling asleep to be harder than expected. He was truly exhausted , but his thoughts were running wild. He wondered if this new recruit would brighten up the atmosphere in the organization.
     When they had first met the young boy, they were met with a loud and hyperactive personality. It contrasted the usual calm and collected personalities of the rest of the people here. Kisame hoped that energy would rub off on Deidara's partner Sasori, so that the organization could be less lonely.
     The lack of people to talk to was disheartening. But the newest recruit brought a bit of hope into Kisame's heart. He just wondered when things would start to become more warm and welcoming in the Akatsuki. He quickly threw that thought away, however, because the Akatsuki was not to be a happy haven, it was work and nothing more. Kisame closed his eyes, again willing for sleep to come to him.

I apologize for the short chapter this time, hopefully the next one will be longer. I'm aiming for about a minimum of 1k words per chapter.  It should usually be alternating POVS every chapter but of course there will be more like this one and the last one which were both from Kisame's POV. The next chapter will be from Itachi's POV so yay!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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