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'Haha! Jeonghan-ah, you somehow can get fucked up in blind date.' The guy with red hair, laughed hard that he almost fall from the couch, 'Don't make me shove this guitar into your throat, Hong Joshua.' Jeonghan said as he pointed at the red haired named Joshua.

Hong Joshua. You'll hear and see this name, everywhere. In articles, magazines, radio shows, posters and more! That's because he's the Mr. Gentleman, Hong Joshua, the soloist that people all around the world loves.

He dance, sing, act and being a model.

Right now, he's with his friend, Jeonghan or known as his personal assistant. The two were hanging out inside a dressing room while waiting for the time to rehearse for the performance tonight. Joshua looks at his watch and his face turns to irritated, 'Where the hell is Yunh-'

'Shua-yah! Here's your coffee!'

She places the cup of coffee on the table near him and he grabbed it while scanning the whole thing for a few minutes.

Yunhee is Joshua's manager and recently became one. She was panting after running like 1km from the cafe shop. The artist, Joshua, sips on the coffee and stayed silent. He smacked his lips before speaking up, making the girl flinched a little, 'Did I fucking told you to order a hot one?' he said in anger before throwing the coffee to the floor, splattering around Yunhee's white shoes, 'I said. I want a cold one with ice cube, you bitch.' Joshua rolled his eyes at her, whose hands is together.

'I.. I'm very sorry..'

'Sorry for what?'

'Sorry for taking the wrong order..'


'I won't do it again.'

'Good, now go. I don't want to see your face.' Joshua shooed her away and soon as she exited the room, he stretches his back before standing up.

Joshua was known for his smiley face and gentleman, kind attitude. Though, not everyone knows he's a human too, expressing feelings. The people also don't like to get a deal with or mess with him because he can be scary sometimes.

Jeonghan approached him, 'Shua, did you see Yunhee's white shoes? I think it's fro-' the other cutted him off while shaking his head in frustrations, 'I know, that's why I purposely spilt the coffee on her shoes, I'm fucking pissed off. She's already aware that I like Seokmin but she still wore the gift that Seokmin gave infront of me, fuck.' he groans and Jeonghan looked at the door, 'Should we peek on her? I think she'll whine to Seokmin, crying all her shit.'

The duo walk to the hallway, acting like they're on a way to the toilet. Soon as they heard a girl whimpering, they already knew, it's Yunhee.

They tiptoed to a corner and poke their head out a little.

'Hicc.. he's.. always.. hicc.. rude to me..' she cried with her hands wiping the tears off her cheeks. The guy infront of her, hugged Yunhee to comfort her, 'Don't worry, I'll make sure he'll pay for what he did.' Seokmin said in a low, deep tone and expressing his anger instead, he pulled her into an embrace, caressing her hair, down to her cheek and kissed Yunhee's lips.

Joshua watches from afar, feeling so much jealousy inside him, 'He's mine.. no way.. it supposed to be me! I'm the protagonist in our love story, Lee Seokmin!' he squints his lips and going to interrupt the two but Jeonghan stopped him, 'Hong Joshua, do not disrupt them or he'll gonna kill you.'


During the rehearsal, he noticed Seokmin, the boss of the company that Joshua is in. He was sitting beside Jeonghan, taking notes regarding my performance for tonight.

Once two songs are over, he was already sweat and sitting on the stage while patting his neck with a towel, 'Ha Yunhee!! Grab me a water bottle, now!' he yelled and satisfied to see Yunhee running to the backstage. He stood up as he saw Jeonghan and Seokmin on their way to the stage, 'Good job, Shua! The rehearsal is good, just need more practice to make the flow smooth. Other than that, I'll tell the staffs to decorate the background m-' when Yunhee came running towards the three with a bottle of water on her hand, Seokmin stops her from handing it to Joshua, 'Don't give it to him.' he said, grabbing Yunhee's wrist and snatched the bottle off from her hand then throw it to the soloist, 'Listen up here, Hong Jisoo. If you ever bully Yunhee again, I'll kick you out from this company.' he stared at Joshua, whose body is showering of sweats and in shock with Seokmin suddenly ranting about the bullying, 'Let's go, Yun-ah.' he dragged her off from the stage.

'Yah, Lee Seokmin! You should know who fucking carried this COMPANY!!!' Joshua yelled at the top of his lung, feeling so furious.

'You should know who gave you this career.'

Joshua went speechless and as Seokmin with the girl went outside, he made a noise of anger then steps on the water bottle, making the cap loosen and flew to his eye, 'Shit!' he winced when he felt the pain on his eye, 'Oh my god, Shua-yah!' Jeonghan instantly got worried and called the staff.


The soloist was inside his dressing room, looking at the mirror and stared at the swell over his eye, 'Ugh..' he clicked his tongue, not feeling at ease, at all because he's performing tonight and the fans might be worried about his eye.

A staff comes in after knocking the door, Shua, your manager said she needs you.. at the back?..'

He groaned and looks at his staff, 'Do I look like I fucking care? No, just say I'm busy.' Joshua grabbed a pack of ice and dap on his swollen eye, 'That son of a bitch, nothing of this would happen! Ugh, I'm going to perform tonight!' the staff slowly spoke up again, afraid to make the other mad, 'Yunhee said.. it's important.'

'Fine, where is that bitch?'

When Joshua meet Yunhee at the back of the building, she smiled mischievously, 'Ew, don't look at me like that babe, I'm gay.' he rolled his eyes at her, 'If you gonna beat my ass up, I'll tell Seokmin right away and he will throw you away like you should've to. It must be nice to act innocent towards a guy.'

'You fake asshole.'

'I'm gonna make Seokmin be my boyfriend, soon. So, get off from my man.'

Joshua clenches his fists as he felt destroyed by his enemy, Ha Yunhee.

'A charming little blondie barbie plays with KEN! Not the prince, cockhead.'

'Well, it's pussyhead, you wimp. I don't have a cock, have some common sense.'

'Glad to know you're a pussy. Seokmin is MINE! YOU RAW-CUNT-YELLOW-.. Uh.. HEADED.. uhm.. BITCH!' Joshua couldn't control his anger, yelling at her with full force though he stuttered to search for words.

'Hong Jisoo!'

Seokmin made him flinched and Joshua looks at him, knowing he's busted for arguing with her.


yahoo, this will be an alternate book bc im bored. this one will be a bit slow? since im focusing on my doberman.

this chapter will be short because i felt bad for the readers and followers whose waiting for an update. 😪😪😪😪😭😭😭

btw, hope u enjoy this one! <3

lovelots, keke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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