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一年级 First Grade)

Xiāo (魈) was roaming around unfamiliar corridors, students continue to stare and whisper words beyond his vocabulary. "why are they looking at me?" he thought.

He was looking around until a voice suddenly spoke to him,

" Ah, you must be Xiao huh? " He turned around, assuming the voice that just spoke was one of his new teachers. He only understood his name, so he just nodded.
He followed the teacher, leading him to his new classroom. Feeling shy and scared, he slightly tugs the teacher's pants. "我英语说得不好。" (I don't speak english very well.) " Don't worry little guy, this is a chinese school. I don't understand chinese myself but the kids here can speak chinese. You have chinese teachers aswell! " The teacher reassures the tiny kid with a head pat.

The Elementary Coordinator suddenly approached them. The two teachers conversed, the head spoke " If he's chinese, you can sit him next to [y/n], she's a bright kid she'll understand him " She pointed to the [h/c] haired girl.

Xiao guided to sit next to her, he turned to look at her face. " Hello! " The girl waved at him and smiled. Xiao just waved back, " My name is [y/n], what's yours? "

The amber eyed boy tilted his head in confusion, "does no one speak chinese here?" He questioned himself.

The teachers whispered to his seat mate, probably informing her that he isn't capable of understanding nor speaking English. " 对不起!我的名字是 [y/n] (or chinese name),你的名字是什么?" (I'm sorry! My name is [y/n], what's your name?)


The Elementary Coordinator was right about the girl, she left a little detail though. She was just bright, but not fluent in chinese.

"你好!... um.... peng..? you..?" (hello! friend..?) She tried recalling her past chinese tutor sessions.

"我的朋友?" The chinese kid understood her and felt a bit relieved that the girl knew some words.

"Yes! Yes! Friends?" The girl smiled brightly at him. Xiao nodded.

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Unbeknownst to him, he didn't know he would be smiling at the exact same memory 8 years later.

"Xiao! Xiao!"

A familiar voice called out to him, the very same girl whom he recalled his memories with. A smile latched on her lips.

"Hm?" The boy hummed.

"We're partners for the Chinese reading dialogue. Please help meeeeeeeeee!" [y/n] begged him.

"Fine." He dragged the girl into the library, beginning to correct her pronunciation and intonations.

Xiao had grown into a fine young man; now 15 years old. He is fluent in both English and Chinese thanks to his seatmate. Though, sitting beside her for the past 8 years he didn't take after the young lady. Instead, he had a rather cold demeanour and quiet lifestyle.

"Wrong. You have to pronounce the word correctly, even the right intonation or else you'll be saying a different word." He nagged while poking the eraser part of his pencil on her forehead.

"Whatever, I give up anyways," She huffed, "remind me why Mandarin is so hard to learn!" [y/n] added.

"Do as you please. Even though we are partners, the grading system is based individually." The chinese boy reminded.

The girl sighed, slumping back in her chair. "You know, you used to be much more fun," she said, pouting.

Xiao raised an eyebrow. "I was never 'fun'."

She laughed. "Maybe not fun, but definitely less serious. You were always there to help me, even when I made the silliest mistakes."

"Like now?" Xiao teased, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

"Exactly!" She grinned. "But look at us, still friends after all these years. Who would've thought?"

Xiao glanced at her, his expression softening. "是的,是的,我的朋友。" (yes yes, my friend.)


— Author's Notes
hi guys, just doing this for fun if yk me irl pls delete me from existence
anyways, welcome to my story yes this first part is based on my first grade experience and pls do know im not chinese i just know the basics
this is just like a prologue 😭😭 that's why it is short (let's be fr i just got lazy)
plus i have alot of friends that act like xiao that's why i picked him and he's such a cutie patootie
im writing this bc my delusional ass can't take it anymore and it's school break so
this is such a bad first author note

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