Mon Amon Cara

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Asteria meaning star or starry one. Named after Selene's friend and companion Asteria the Titan goddess of falling stars and nighttime. Named by Selene.

Deyanira meaning Capable of great destruction.  In Greco-Roman mythology, Deianira was the second wife of Hercules, who accidentally poisoned and killed him with the Shirt of Nessus. Her Great-Aunt Rhea gave her this name.

Oriana meaning Gold, Sunrise & Dawn. Her aunt Eos gave her this name.

Callisto meaning most beautiful. Best known as one of the moons of Jupiter, Callisto was a nymph coveted by Zeus who was turned into a bear by Hera, becoming the Great Bear (Ursa Major) constellation.




"How cruel"

・❥・The daughter of the moon and huntress of Artemis knew of the world of the gods. She knew of the fates and their cruelty, had seen it first hand, but this... she never thought they would be as cruel as this

or in which

・❥・Asteria Deyanira Oriana Callisto is half of a soul, and she hates it, especially since the golden boy of camp is the other half, but she had already promised a certain sun god she would try to accept it


Quick Disclaimer! All character with the exception of Asteria belong to Rick Riordan! Any addition dialogue and changes are my own! However most the storyline belongs to Rick.

Please be nice and I always come back and edit! If you see any errors please do tell me and feedback would be amazingly appreciated<3

Story contains: Violence, Language, Sexual themes? (will be labelled and will be not be essential to the plot!) Gore, Past SA, Past attempted rape (brief and warned in beginning of chap), mentions of substance use cause they are teens guys let's be real here. Possibly more i'm not sure yet...

I will once again point out that all character have been aged up two years save for Luke who remains 21 during The Titan's Curse and Nico who is aged up by 1 year. 

ꕥ Yor <3 

¹Mσɳ Aɱσɳ Cαɾα I ᴘᴇʀᴄʏ ᴊᴀᴄᴋꜱᴏɴWhere stories live. Discover now