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I want to visit one of my favorite cake shops; I want to buy myself a nice cheesecake, red velvet, lemon mooring pie and some other. I went into the shop and bought all the things that seemed delicious. I went out of the shop and went to my home, I bump into someone "Ugh...I uh...sorry" I said blushing, he looks bore like a teenager kid, a male first of all "No, I'm sorry, I'm not watching where I'm going." He said rising one of his arms "Say, since we just met, lets take a small bite of my cake" he said smiling "Sure", I smile back and he guided me to his room looking house, I enter the room and its all dark, there's a small light above his bed and a table of sweets, cakes, wine, candies and all kinds of sweet things, I took out my favorite cheesecake and sliced it for two as he grabbed the wine bottle and share some to me. I drink some and take a small chump of the cake. We chatted for a moment until he went behind me and close my mouth with a napkin that has a strong scent that brushed my consciousness away. Once I woke up, my arms are chained behind and my neck was given a spiky chain collar, I looked behind me and there's Trip sitting on the small chair in front of his bed, he pulled my chain towards him, once he pulled me, I had the chance to see myself, I wasn't wearing anything, at all "_____are you hungry" he asked pulling my face closer to his, I didn't know what to do so I just sit there until something happens to me, he took one of the slice cake from the table full of sweets, he shove some to my mouth, I thought that the cake has flavors, but all I taste was the horrible taste of too much sugar, I chew and swallow, he immediately shove more of them in my mouth, he picked up his pace and started going quicker, even when I'm not done chewing or swallowing, he keeps on shoving more in "Ughahhh...hnmm" he kept on shoving more and more cakes, he fills up my throat and I cant breath, once he finally stop pushing, I throw up the cake "Aww what a waste. Well, I guess it cant be helped" he then shove some of the cake into his mouth, chew and pass it to me, we kiss while he push the cake in with his tongue, I chew and swallow. It sometimes chokes me by the sudden presence of the cake into my throat, finally, he stops everything with the push and pulls me into the bathroom, he took out a new toothbrush, washed it and brush my teeth, he brushed my tongue by the sharp brushes that make me want to throw up "Ughh...ahgghn" I couldn't breath, its extremely painful that I couldn't keep up on opening my mouth. He finished and rinses my mouth, he shoves the water into my mouth and he pushes his fingers in. he finally stops and throw me onto the bed roughly. I look back and saw him hovering over me, he undoes my handcuff finally and called out a name "Welter..." a name that sounded so familiar yet so distance, until then, a huge shadow appeared from the dark area of this room, the lion, of course. I'm kind of into animals, so I don't think this should be a problem. The lion sniffed my body as it licked my nips with his rough tongue, I rubbed beneath the lion's mouth as he purred; I know a lot of things about cat so I know how to handle them. Trip, pulling the lion away from me as if trying to say that play time is over for him, Trip then shove some of the icing out of the cake and smear it on my entrance, it feels wired with this kind of cream like feeling, I gave a small sign to the lion as he folded his ears back and followed my direction without letting Trip noticing, I rubbed his head and whisper into his ears, Trip, still not knowing anything the lion then comes out of the shadow and pounce onto Trip with a growl, I crawl over to the edge of the bed, I see the lion licking him as if trying to tell him to stop, Trip then whisper something to him and he immediately pounce me instead, he sniffed my wet entrance full of cream and licked it "Ahh...ahn" his sharp tongue pierced my entrance. After a couple of minutes, he left and Trip took in, he quickly place his dick in roughly all the way in "You're so...lewd_____, it's easier for enter" he said saying thse in broken phrase "Aaaahhh...ngghhh...AAaaahh" I scream from his rough touch, it felt amazing. I've never felt like this before, he thrust is harder until he came in me, a lot. He let go and lye down behind me and hugged my back "I love you..._____ I want you", not long after, I fell asleep.

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