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(PJ fanfiction, Annabeth's POV)

I was walking at the camp when I met Rachel.

"You?" I asked and I was angry.

"Me! Have you got a problem?" Rachel asked back.

"Yes! I hate you!"

Now, Rachel was angry too. She just looked me with hate in her eyes.

A few campers watched us curiously. One second later, Clarisse, daughter of Ares, shouted up:


"Go away, mortal girl" I said slowly to Rachel.

"Don't speak to me, child of Athena!" she shouted and ran away.

I sat down to the ground, and I started to cry. Percy arrived.

"A-Annabeth?" he asked. "Wh-what's the problem?"

"Nothing" I cried.

"About 5 minutes ago, Rachel was here..." started Will, son of Apollo, and Percy understood everything.

"Oh... Annabeth... Where is she now? Maybe I can speak to her."

"I-I don't know. She ran away." I answered, and I started to cry again. "She is not going to speak to me... ever.

In the afternoon, I was at cabin 6. I didn't go out. I didn't speak to anyone. I wanted to say sorry to Rachel, but... I didn't know how I can do that. Rachel hated me.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Come" I said tiredly. I thought it is my brother or sister or Percy, but the girl who came to cabin 6 was...

"Ra-Rachel?" I asked. Then I started to cry. "I-I'm sorry very-very much! I didn't want to say you those words..."

Rachel hugged me.

"I'm not angry. And... I don't hate you. I'm your friend."

I closed my eyes.

"Thanks. You forgave me. I never thought..."

She smiled.

"What are friends for?"

We were best friends from then.

This seemed so good when I wrote it, and I still think the story is nice, but it's just too surreal... in one moment, they are shouting that they hate each other, Annabeth starts to cry, then at the next second, they are best friends???

Alexis <3

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