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Y/n spent her Friday mornjng getting stuff done. Jane was napping and Georgie was out in the garage and she was cleaning up their room and was currently folding the laundry in the living room.

"Need a hand?" Missy asked y/n, entering the room.

"Yeah, if you want." Y/n shrugged as Missy sat beside her on the couch.

Missy grabbed one of Jane's jumpsuits out of the basket and started to fold.

"Hey, when you were my age did you go to parties?" Missy asked her.

"Yep." Y/n nodded, recalling her 14-16 year old self who went to parties almost every weekend when she still lived in Sydney.

They were always a blast.

"So many good ones, not that I can remember them all." She laughed.

"That is so cool." Missy huffed.

"Yeah, I was pretty cool with all my friends." Y/n said. "Did you get invited to one?"


"What do you mean?" Y/n asked, curiously.

"I'm sort of throwing one with my friend." Missy replied.

"Wow, first party. That's a big deal." Y/n nodded along.

"Any advice?" Missy asked.

"You need good music, loud but not loud enough that the cops come, with make out spots make sure they are in closets or pantries etc, no bedrooms you wanna keep your guests standing." Y/n explained, happy to pass on her wisdom.

"Makes sense." Missy said, "and.." she cleared her throat "and I've heard there's drinking at some of these parties?"

"Oh..." y/n said a little taken aback. "Yeah..." she said recalling the amount of times she woke up with a pounding headache after a party.

"But you don't always need it to have fun." Y/n added as she didn't want to influence Missy badly.

"But just in case, will you buy it for us?" Missy asked.

Y/n drowned instantly.

"No." She said. "I'm not even old enough to buy it here."

"But you look old enough?" Missy argued.

"What are you tryna tell me?!"

"Please." Missy pleaded. "You can at least try."

"No, you're a kid." Y/n said, shaking her head.

"So were you." Missy gave her a look.

"That's different, just because I did it doesn't mean I'm going to encourage you." Y/n said, "plus I'm a mum now."

"A cool mum." Missy bribed.

"Missy, I said no." Y/n said.

"Wow, you are so not cool." Missy scoffed before getting up and storming out.

"I think I'm very cool." Y/n said to herself as she folded her clothes.


A few weeks later, Missy sat at the kitchen table, with puffy eyes and a coffee in hand.

"Good morning." Mary said, entering the kitchen in which Missy just hummed in response to.

"Since when do you drink coffee?" Mary asked noticing the mug Missy had.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now