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As time passes by, Jungkook is gradually growing up and now, he's already tired of being treated like the maknae that he is, well, supposed to be, anyways.

And along that period of time, he also started to develop feelings for his best friend, Taehyung. I mean who can't develop feelings for him? He's perfect. He starts to have dreams about Taehyung. Wet dreams. He can imagine how Taehyung would writhe and moan under him. With puberty comes with lust, is what Jungkook thought. The only fatal flaw is that Taehyung still treats him as the little maknae he knew.

"Jungkookie~! Let's go buy some ice cream!" Taehyung cheered as he held onto Jungkook's wrist.

"No, hyung, I'm okay." He said coldly. Taehyung didn't like the tone that Jungkook used, but he just stayed quiet and walked away. He wasn't insensitive. He knew when people get annoyed.

It's been like this every time for Jungkook. Since he doesn't want Taehyung to know about his feelings, all he could do is shove him away. Its always the best way to keep anyone from knowing your feelings.

"Jungkookie~" It was now Jimin who came up to him and it seems that Jungkook really wants to get a rid of this annoying hyung of his.

"What the fuck do you want, hyung?" Jungkook growled. Jimin dropped the sweet act and just frowned.

"Jeez, what's got your panties in a twist?"

"Just leave me alone."

"Whatever." Jimin rolled his eyes and walked away, but he's probably hurting inside.

Jin was sitting on the couch reading some magazine and he noticed Jungkook's attitude towards both maknaes.

"Hey, Jungkook. Can we talk for awhile?" Jin asked as he put down his magazine and closed it. Jungkook just sighed and walked towards Jin. "Sit down." Jin patted the space beside him. Jungkool immediately sat down.

"Hyung, what did you want to talk about?"

"What's up?"

"What do you mean what's up?"

"I mean what's with the attitude between Tae and Jimin? I mean I guess I could understand Jimin, but what about Tae? You two were so close before and now you're just pushing him away." Jin pointed out. Jungkook just sighed in frustration. Was he supposed to tell Jin what he felt towards the elder? Would he keep it as a secret?

"Okay, so hyung, you know I'm undergoing the process of puberty, right?"

"Right?" Jin answered unsurely. He doesn't really know where this is going.

"Well, I've suddenly got these weied feelings towards Taehyung. Like I've had wet dreams about him." Suddenly, Jungkook felt so shy talking about this. Jin wasn't so shocked by this.

"Is that so?"

Jungkook simply nodded.

"Well, I suggest that you tell Taehyung what you've been feeling lately. I'm sure he'll understand." Jin said. If you were any other person, you wouldn't really advise this because the feelings are somehow involving sexual acts, bug then Jin knows better because he knows Taehyung also has feelings for Jungkook, from a long long time ago.

"Hyung, why? Wouldn't that just ruin our friendship?"

"Just trust me on this."


"Jungkook aren't you going to the theaters with us?" Taehyung asked as everyone was ready to go, but Jungkook was just sat on his bed, surfing the net.

"Nope." Jungkook popped the 'p' not really looking up from the screen.

"Hey guys, are you ready? We're already running late." Suga said.

Matured (Vkook)(One-shot) ✔Where stories live. Discover now