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Time slowed then, with your mind racing on what to do.

Should you try to dodge? Was there even a spot that could provide enough cover? Will the mirror save you?

The beast's mane glowed, tentacles swaying dangerously as it's wings began to arch out. Whatever was in its mouth slowly brightened.

Could you run away? Could you take it down? Could you— god forbid, talk to it?

A low growl began and a hiss joined it in a lethal harmony, warning for what's to come. Which, frankly, you didn't want to experience again.

Fuck it.

Your hands raised in surrender and you managed a wobbly smile "H-Hey... scary-lookin... chimera.. thing? H-How about we—"

It was then that the growl erupted into an earth-shattering roar. Out from the beast's mouth shot what easily could be mistaken as a blue sun, desecrating the wall behind you. All that was left was glowing hot magma, melting like chocolate under a blow dryer. That could've been you.

You promptly shut your mouth.

'Right. Good talk.'

Plan A out the window. What else could be done? Glancing around briefly awarded you an idea. A stupid, reckless, and painful idea. One that had already occurred to you.

The beast began to charge up another attack in the meantime, and ever the opportunist, you took advantage of that. You gave the mirror hand a kiss on the knuckles before diving down behind a nearby wall. The moment you did, a torrent of flames flew overhead, effectively singeing the few hairs that didn't make it in time. It's footsteps began once again, each one more ominous than the last.

You had to think.

How were you supposed to beat that thing? It was at LEAST 4 times bigger than you.

The mirror had said to "prove your power" or something like that, right?


That damn mirror. What could it have meant? Were you supposed to annoy the beast to death? Tell it a bed time story? Assault it with your singing voice? Punch it?

You stumbled around, desperately avoiding the monster's attacks. Finally, you found cover again.


Punch it?

You deadpanned. Did it mean that you had to prove the power of your punches? That you could fight your way out?

Sure, a lot of your problems were solved through... moderate amounts of violence. You lived in a harsh area most of your life after all. But to simplify your character down to just 'punching your way out of stuff' hurts! Why couldn't you just have been commended for your creativity? Or maybe you would've been allowed to hypnotize the beast with your dance moves?

'If I get out of this I'm going through some serious character development.'

The blood drained from your face as the beast came into view once more. It took in a deep breath, its nose twitching, before a grin broke out upon its face. It found you.

And in a flash, it bounded towards you. With no time to even think, you threw yourself to the side, avoiding being crushed by the skin of your teeth.

At your side now were two stray rebar wires. Ignoring your sweaty palms, you scrambled to grab them, launching one at the chimera. An effective move, as once the hit whacked the middle of its face, the creature froze mid-turnaround and arched its wings protectively. Now was your chance.

Your body was light as you sprinted over. The moment you arrived you ran up the beast's front leg, avoiding the tentacles that aimlessly grazed your skin, though they made no move to grab you. Deciding to ignore them, you climb up onto the chimeras back with your rebar. It quickly regained its composure, but you didn't give it a chance to do much else, attacking the wings next to you.

The creature yelped in pain and acted as a signal to bat off the oncoming snake tail, dealing further damage. You scurried over its mane while it whimpered. The flames had no heat, strangely enough, and once again the tentacles just waved around. It was as if they were decoration, or the beast somehow just didn't know how to move them?

You didn't know, but you climbed onto the head and swiftly brought the rebar down onto its skull.

Except the hit didn't land.

Turns out the tentacles had a function after all, because instead, you were launched through the nearest wall, crunching like a soda can against the one behind it.

Pain erupted through your entire being, leaving you to silently scream with tears and other fluid dripping down your face. Silly you. Not like anyone would've heard you, even if there was sound. You writhed against the stone, legs limp with paralysis as a paroxysm of pain burned through your spine. Your hands felt around helplessly, occasionally landing the warm puddle of vomit you made yourself in the delirium.

Though, maybe that scream of yours wasn't so silent after all.

As you stared at the beast through the wall in front of you, you see it be overwhelmed with an onslaught of red and green... lights? flames? You couldn't tell. A muffled growl was heard from the beast as flashes of deep blue then appeared. Your vision was murky, and your hearing was as if you were underwater. Hands were then felt picking you up.

You need to stay awake.

Was it you who said that? Or maybe the words belonged to the same hands that held you?

Not even I know that honestly.

But regardless, in the mysterious warm embrace, your senses failed you, and all you could do was sleep. Hoping that maybe— just maybe, this was all a dream.

And after having just a few moments of painless rest...

You woke up.

970 words

holy shit i acc hate this chapter and the first one sm LMAO. writing action scenes has never been my forte, so i plan on using this book to get some practice in

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