
32 1 13

Type: Psychological thriller, dark romance

Disclaimers: Swearing, mention of sexual assault, violence, mention of suicide, the characters have been aged up to young adults, drug abuse, slut-shaming, possessive behavior, stalking, romanticizing a mental health issue, death threats, violent behavior, manipulation

Synopsis: Being affected by dissociative amnesia is a serious issue, especially when you struggle to remember your own significant other.

A request made by: ?

Words: 17880 (oopies)

Note: No, Len isn't the one performing the acts of sexual assault, in case it made anyone uncomfortable. Since this chapter will include a subject I'm not really informed about (dissociative amnesia), I'll try to do research and make the chapter as respectful and representative as possible. Please, if anyone feels hurt or offended by anything said, point it out, and I'll be sure to change it as soon as possible. And if this chapter isn't salvageable, I'll simply delete it.



If it wasn't for the hand firmly grabbing my thigh in the early hours of the morning, I probably wouldn't have woken up in such fright...

''Hey... Babe... You're alright...'' The deep voice of a man resonates in my ear, as my sleepy body tries to stay away from the person. The man's hand immediately retreats from my thigh but instead rests gently on my own, as the strange person's body lifts up to a sitting position. ''Don't be scared love, you can trust me...''

My chest heaves up and down from the sudden amount of stress filling my body, but the tender words and none-threatening displays of consideration makes my system pipe down the tiniest bit. That's when I notice a handsome man with messy blond hair rubbing his eyes next to me. What is this piece of artwork doing right next to me, in bed? Wait, I didn't sleep with anyone, right?! The simple thought of doing that makes my face boil with a strangely familiar feeling that I don't remember having too often.

''Why so shocked?~'' The stranger in my bed asks with a raspy tone of voice, and a teasing grin. I quickly hide my eyes with my arm as I realize that the individual sits there, bare-chested, making my suspicions grow bigger by the second.

''Please tell me we didn't sleep together...'' I almost beg, denying the truth if it indeed involves me having a one night stand with a mysterious hot guy.

''Why, of course we did.'' He exclaims nonchalantly, before gently caressing my cheek, cold like a cadaver, as my blood drains out from my face. ''We didn't have sex, duh, but we did sleep together. Since we're boyfriend and girlfriend, you know?'' OH. GOOD. Jesus, that's a relief...

''We are??'' I ask loudly, surprised by this confession. I mean... I had this feeling that I indeed had someone to call my own, but it was so subtle that I didn't know what to make of it. ''I- I'm sorry I- I completely forgot... I actually suffer from dissociative amne--''

My words don't come out as my... boyfriend steals a kiss away from me. His lips stay pressed against mine for about two seconds and pulls away before I get the time to process his gesture, and react.

''I know, hun. You tell me the same thing every morning.'' He explains, pecking my forehead next.

''I do?'' I question, slightly uncomfortable. I'm still very conflicted between trusting him, or upright denying what he's saying. Because, yeah, ok, my memory's shit. I get that. But... there's a part of me telling me that this... isn't normal. It's strange.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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