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Family Escapism 




Mia Jaye

Adolph Sr.

Momma Diane 

Momma Silk

Daddy Silk


Nee Nee Jr.

Trey Trey 






"We got the hell out of there in a quickness" The whole gang plotted to go to plan B I'd plan A got blotched and it really did not because Momma Silk from the islands. She an Island girl and TTET don't play when it comes to crossing them waters to come rescue a home girl or a South American 

"Jan you having your own private jet to whisk all us away from South Memphis takes a genius and thank you baby girl. I knew my boy chose the prettiest from Houston, Texas. The other girl from Dallas she wore too damn much make up" his momma smirked 

"At least the February and March Carnivals are going on. We might see some 'green' but Von don't care for green unless its some money" his daddy taught him dat

"I killed a man outside the dance hall. "

"You got Black Younsta and Anit nobody checking fa him. He went against The Mims and he did not know dat Flipper and Yo Gotti really some kin"

"Oh and Mia Jaye you and Flipper go have yaw talk cause now we all around some waters and if he don't like how you finna explain yourself den the luck of the Irish just ran out on you sis" Both moms looked very suspect in Plan C if he comes back by himself

"Our vacation villa is on the richest island, Trinidad" she being the hostess that got em all away

"I heard they tell some pale faces not to come here is that true?"

"Naw not anymore but yeah back before Independence Day, 1797 they were all over here anyways. It's over 225,000 living in America right now. They have Trinidad Village in Cali"

"We are safe here right?"

"They do have gang related hoods in East-West corridor not safe. Females do not walk alone at night you get cat calling from Duppy or Duffy"

"Those are ghost fool"

"They really do know some voodoo here"

"Von Anit afraid of no gangs here in Trini right baby"

"If its two million of them then my body count going up" was all he had to say about it 

"The capital is The Port of Spain"

"Anit ALLAT shit in our hotel rooms. All about the Island and foods drink and square miles of deep white sand under your feet?"

"The Calypso Carnival is going on right now"

"See we still get to celebrate anyways. St. Paddy Day got bumped by Calypso huh?"

"Funny? Ha ha Ha Hee hee JAJAJAJAJA " 

"You best get yo Welsh Accents in order if you expect these pretty females over here to get your orders right" Adolph Sr. already checking em out while Auntie Diane ready to un-alive his ass 

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