Chapter 1 - getting your mind off of things

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19th March 2024

Peter was in science class, bored. He wasn't listening, since he already knew that stuff. Even if he wanted to listen he couldn' has been 2 months since May died. A car accident happened, some guy was drunk and got into the other lane and...crashed into May's car. She died on way of the hospital, the doctors couldn't do anything else for her. And now he lives with the Avengers, for 2 months.

The bell rung, finally school ended.
"Hey Pete!" Ned walked up to him. "How is it going man!" Ned said. Next to him was MJ.
"It's fine I guess...just tired.." Peter answered.
"Are going out tonight Spi-"
"Yes, yes i will but you don't need to talk so loud Ned. I don't need people to find out." Peter interrupted Ned.

"Hey I need to go through, Happy is waiting outside. And Mr Stark wanted to do something in the lab with me so yea. See ya!" Peter said.
"Bye losers." MJ said as she turned around and walked away, leaving Ned alone.
"Bye Peter! Hey wait MJ!" He yelled and run after MJ.

Peter was grateful for the friends he had. He only had Ned and MJ, maybe Harry, but it's been a while since they talked. But still they have been supportive about him being Spiderman and...May...
Gosh he could cry by just thinking about May. He missed her so much. He walked towards the exit and saw that Happy was already there.

"Hey Happy.." Peter said as he stepped into the back of the car.
"Hey Pete. How was school?" Happy asked.
"Boring." Peter quickly said.
Then rest of the car ride was silent. Peter knew that Happy wasn't really a talking man, but Peter also didn't feel like talking. He doesn't know why but today was just a day that he wanted to spend in his room alone.

The car stopped in front of the Avengers tower.
"Thanks Happy." Peter said like always. Happy stayed silent as Peter left the car. He walked inside of the tower and took the elevator to meet the others.
"Hello Peter." FRIDAY greeted him.
He didn't respond and continued to wait until the elevator stopped. As the doors opened he could see Steve and Natasha talking by the couch.

"Oh hey Pete. How was school?" Steve asked as he noticed that Peter came.
"Boring like always." Peter replied quickly. Everyone knew that Peter was still grieving about May. His mood changed, Peter became more quiet and shut off from the others.

Peter walked into his room, he was tired of everything. He needed to get away from things, just get his mind off he thought. 'How about going on patrol for a bit? Wouldn't hurt right?' Peter thought. He quickly changed into his suit (it's the suit from homecoming that Tony gave him btw) and just about as he wanted to leave through the window Tony came in.

"Hey Pe- what do you think you're doing?" Tony asked even if he knew the answer already.
"Im just going out on patrol, why?" Peter looked at Tony.
"You're going pretty often out currently Peter, maybe you should take a break." Tony spoke. Peter did not like that.
"Why?! I know Im going out a lot currently but im fine Mr Stark. I just needed to get my mind off of things right now." Peter a little angry by that, normally it would have been fine but to day was different something was off.
"Yeah but you could get distracted with something different, watch a movie or something. It's're constantly get home with bruises. I know they heal fast and stuff but Im responsible for you okay?" Tony explained. Sometimes Tony goes into dad mode for Peter, but Peter thinks he doesn't need that. He's been going through his life without a father figure the whole time, why does he need one now?

"But you let me fight in a battle against your friends knowing they were capable of hurting me!" Peter snapped. Tony stayed silent, he was shocked that Peter snapped, and not only that but also what he said.
"Mr Stark im so sorry i don-"
"It's fine kid, you can go." And with that Tony left the room. Peter was ashamed of himself, why did he snapped like that? What has gotten into him? Peter still decided to go out for patrol. Peter swings out of the window into the big city of New York. It was a late afternoon and the sun already started to set. The sky was a beautiful orange mixed with some pink.

*~>Time skip later that night<~*

The sky was now completely dark with the stars and moon glowing. It was very pretty. Peter was standing a the top of the Empire State Building, looking at New Yorks lights. He stopped some muggers and car chase today. Nothing spectacular, but enough to keep this mind busy. But now his thoughts about earlier came back. Yea Peter had a bad day, but did he really needed to snap like that. Mr Stark does everything for him and then he is like this? He actually didn't mind fighting the Avengers back in Germany. Actually he was fascinated by it. He really needs to apologise to Mr Stark for what he said. Just about as he wanted to swing back to the tower he saw something crash into the woods. Like a star...


Yea that's the first chapter! I do hope you enjoyed it and are excited for the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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