my bae hubby take heading to my stairs

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my hubby take walks down my stairs then he heads to my front doors he unlocks them then he opens them then he turns the locks he walks out of my mansion he heads to his truck he unlockd his car doors he opens his driver door he gets in he starts his truck up then he puts his hand bag onto his driver seat then he closes his driver door he locks up his car doors then he puts his seat belt on he reaches into his hand bag he gets his iphone out he puts his cide in he gose to his music he turns on the first song then he closes out of it he gose to his settings he opens it he gose to his blue tooth he connects his iphone to his truck then it connects then he gose back he closes out of it his music isvstill playing that he got with hella itunes cards then he puts his iphone down onto his iphone car holder then he pulls out of the parking spot in my drive way then he turns ariund he heads to my gate it opens then he drives out then he drives away from my mansion on the right side my gate closes takeoff is still driving then he pulls up to home depo he pulls in he looks for a parking spot he finds one he pulls in he turns his car off with his keys then he takes his keys out then he takes off his seat belt he reaches over onto his passenger seat he puts his hand bag onto his let arm by both handles then he unlocks his car doors he opens his driver door he gets out he closes his driver door he locks up his truck with his keys then he walks away from his truck he heads to the doors of home depo they open he walks in he gets a cart nd he gose shopping for the things he needs he gets done then he heads to the check out line he waits then he gose up he puts his stuff up onto the counter the lady scans his stuff then she gets done she rings up his stuff then she tells him his total he reaches into his man purse he gets his wallet out then he unzips he gets out the change he counts it out then he puts the rest up then he gets his money out he counts it out then he puts the rest of his money up into his wallet then he hands the money and change to the lady then she grabs them she dose what she has to do then she hands take his money she owes him then he grabs the money then he puts his money up then he zips up his wallet then he puts his wallet up into his man purse then the lady bags up everything then she gets done take grabs the bags then he gose nd puts the cart up then he walks away he heads to the doors they open then he walks out he gets his keys out of his hand bag then he walks across the parking lot he heads to his car then he gets to his truck he unlocks it with his keys he opens his driver door then he gets in he starts up his truck with his keys then he puts his hand bag onto his passenger seat on the right side then he dose the same thing with his bags he puts his seat belt on then he pulls out of the parking space of home depo then he drives to the exit he drives out then he drives away from the store then he still driving and driving them hours later he pulls up to my mansion then he pulls up to my gate it opens then he drives in he parks his truck then he turns his car off with his keys he gets his keys out of his key whole then he unlocks his car doors then he opens up his driver door then he gets out he gets his man purse then he puts it onto his left arm by both handles then he gets the bags from home depo then he gets out of his truck then he closes his driver door then he locks up his car with his keys then he puts his keys up into his hand bag then he walks away he heads to my front doors he knocks on them i get up off of my bed then i put my feet into my slippers then i go to my jojo siwa bed room doors then i walk out of my jojo siwa bed room then i walk to my stairs then i go to my front doors i unlock them then i open them my bae take walks in then i close the doors then i lock them then we walk away from my front doors then we go to my stairs then we walk up them we head to our first daghuter jojo siwa room we walk in then take gose nd puts the stuff down thats for jojo siwa he opens up the home depo bag then he gets two cans of paint and one paint brush then he opens up the paint then he puts the brush in then he takes it out then he gets to painting the walls i walk to the door i walk out i go sit down on the floor and wait my bae take speeds through painting then he gets done the paint drys fast then its done drying then he sets up everything up then he gets done he gose nd opens up the stuff that needs to be put together i get up i go to our daghuter dakota room i walk in i go get the tool box then i go to the doors i walk out then i walk away i go to our daghuter jojo siwa room i walk in i hand my bae take the huge tool box he grabs it then he puts it down then he dose what he needs to do then he gets done he closes jojo siwa huge full toy box of dog toys then he keeps going nd going nd going then he gets done then i get up then i walk into jojo siwa bed room take ya like it me yea take ok now move out the way so i can paint her doors me ok i walk to jojo siwa bed room doors then i walk out i go stand and wait then take gets the paint he puts the paint brush in the paint then he takes it out he gets started patin her doors one at a time then he still going then he gets done then he takes her tv out of the box then he puts it down he opens up the the tv mount then he takes it out along with the other stuff that came with it then he gets done he gose nd gets the tools he needs then he walks back he starts doing what he has to do he speeds through it then he gets done then he gets jojo siwa tv he puts it onto her tv mount then he gets done he dose her clothes then he gets done then i walk in i go do her hair bowls nd dog leashes nd dog callors nd other stuff then i get done then my bae take gathers up his tool box then we go to jojo siwa bed room doors they are dry then take dose jojo siwa lights then he gets done then we walk to jojo siwa bed room doors then we walk out then take closes her bed room doors then we walk away we go to our other daghuter dakota bed room then take walks in he puts the paint down he opens it he gets his paint brush then he takes it out then he gose nd starts painting dakota entire room then he gets done then it all drys super quick then he walks out he gets his big ole tool box then he heads to my jojo siwa bed room he walks in i follow him he puts his stuff down then he gose to the right side of my bed he sits down i go to the left side of my bed i step out of my slippers my bae take off gets his shoes one at a time he puts them on nd he ties them up then he gets up off my bed he gets his hand bag and his huge tool box he gets his keys out of his hand bag he walks away from my bed he walks to me he leans down he kisses me on my lips then he kisses our unborn daghuter dakota then he stands up he gose to my jojo siwa bed room doors then he walks out he heads to my stairs i get out of my bed i go to my bed room doors i walk out i go to my stairs then i follow my bae take to my front doors he unlocks them then he walks out i close them and i lock them my bae take gose to his truck he unlocks it with his keys then he opens up his driver door he gets in he starts up his truck he puts his tool box nd hand bag onto his passenger seat on the right then he puts his seat belt on he closes his driver door then he turns his truck around then he heads to my gate it opens he drives out then my gate doors close he drives away from my mansion onto the right i head to my stairs i walk up them then i head to my jojo siwa bed room i walk in then i go to my bed on the left side i grab my iphone off my night stand i hit the home buttion i look at the time then i put my iphone back down onto my night stand i walk away i head to my bed room doors i walk out i head to my brother gaston room he walks down his bed stairs he comes to me i pick him up my mom chris and my dad tyga come out of they bed room then they come to the stairs then they walk down the stairs we all head to the kitchen then we all walk in i go put my brother gaston into his high chair then i walk away my mom chris and my dad tyga come pull out they chairs then they go make they lunches they get done then they grab they plates then they come to the table they put they plates down in front of they chairs then they bless they lunch then they eat they lunch nd i go to the cabnit i open it then i get my brother gaston bowls then i close the cabnit then i put them down then i get his second bowl then i walk away from the cabnit then i go to the sink i turn it on to cold then i put gaston second bowl under the sink gaston second water bowl fills up then i cut the water off i get gaston bowl then i walk away from the sink then i walk to the table i put gaston water bowl down onto his tray table then i walk away i go to the pantry then i open the door then i walk in i go get his dog food bag thats opened then i walk away then i go to the door i walk out i open up the bag then i go to the counter then i get food out i put it into his first bowl i keep going then i close up the rest of his food then i go put it up with the rest of his dog food then i walk away i go get myself a plate out of the cabnit then i put it down i walk away then i go to the fridge i open up the refridgurator door i get what i need to get out of it then i close it then i go back to the counter i put everything down then i open up everwything i walk away i go to the silver wear drawr i open it i grab a spoon then i close it then i walk away i go back to the counter i put the spoon into the mayo i grab the bread i untie it then i get two pieces of bread out then i put them down onto my plate then i get the bread tie i tie the bread back up then i put the bread back then i get the spoon

my hubby take walks down my stairs then he heads to my front doors he unlocks them then he opens them then he turns the locks he walks out of my mansion he heads to his truck he unlockd his car doors he opens his driver door he gets in he starts h...

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