𝗗𝗼𝗴𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗣𝗼𝘃: When Hoppy, Kiсkin and I finished the game, they decided to go home, they called me, but I decided to stay here. They didn't bother me and just left. I wanted to talk to Сatnap, he interested me. I noticed that none of us weren't friends with him, perhaps because he was too silent. and also, I noticed that he often does not leave the house, probably because he does not have company.. I came up with an idea, what if the smiling critters and I had a pijama party and invited Catnap there? He'll probably be glad. and many people wanted to make friends with him, maybe this will be their first step. for a long time I did not dare to approach him, because in our last conversation he gave me an irritated look, I am afraid that this may happen again.. but still, I decided to go up to him and try to talk.
- Hey, hi... - Dogday said. Catnap didn't answer, maybe because he was asleep, or maybe he heard and didn't want to answer. Dogday saw that Catnap's eyes were closed, and thinking that he was asleep, he decided to shout to him. - Catnaaaap!!.... - shouted Dogday. Eventually, Catnap opened his eyes and it was obvious that he was slightly scared. - Oh-oh!! I'm sorry I woke you up... I wanted to talk to you! - Dogday said. Catnap didn't answer, but nodded questioningly, and that was a good sign for Dogday. He's ready to listen to him! - Catnap, all of us with smiling critters would really like to make friends with you!! You're a part of us too! W-would you like to come to our party tonight? Uh... probably.. at my home! You know where it is, right? - Dogday asked. Catnap just nodded slightly, trying to let Dogday know that he had no desire to continue this dialogue. Dogday asked, "Can't you talk?".. Ah, oh, I'm sorry.. That's probably not what I should be asking... ah.... in general.. You're coming, aren't you? Will you really come? We will be waiting for you!! Everyone will be surprised and glad to see you! Catnap didn't respond or make any gesture. Dogday was worried. He was afraid that Catnap might not agree to the idea. - Please... Catnap!! Please, please, please!! We will be very glad to see you! come.. Again, Catnap didn't answer. He didn't like parties because it was quite noisy. And even more, he didn't really want to spend time with others. But because Dogday was almost begging him, he decided to agree. Catnap just nodded his head. - Hooray! thank you! Come come! We will all be waiting! Come back later in the evening!! We will prepare everything for your arrival!! - said Dogday and run towards the houses of all the other smiling critters in order to collect them and tell them about his idea.
𝗗𝗼𝗴𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗣𝗼𝘃: I run towards the houses of the other guys. I wanted to call them and tell everyone about my idea, because I knew they loved pajama parties.
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To begin with, I (Dogday) run to Bobby's house. She greeted me joyfully. - Bobby! You have to help me! - I said. - Oh, what's this about? - Bobby answer. - I decided to have a pajama party! We need to invite all the guys!! and get ready at home... - I said. -Oh, that's wonderful, Dogday! Of course I'll help you. - Bobby say. - And one more thing! - I began - - I invited Catnap! Bobby was surprised. She (Bobby) аsked: - Сatnap?... Did he agree?? Did he really agree?? Suddenly she screamed. - Yes, Yes! He agreed! Agreed! He nodded at me in agreement! - I answered - That's great! I hope the guys and I will be able to make friends with him!! - Bobbу answer. "Will you help me get the others?"? They should know about it!! - I say. - Of course I will help! Let's go get them right now!! - Bobby say.
Bobby and I headed for the rest of the houses. We called Hoppy, Bubba, PickyPig, Kickin and CraftyCorn. When Bobby and I told them everything, they were very surprised. Each of them asked a lot of questions: - Did he agree? - Bubba said. - Did you really agree?? - PickyPig interrupted loudly. - WOW - Kickin said. "Did you hear his voice ?"? What's his voice like?? I'm burning with curiosity!! - Hoppy said. - Is he really coming?? - CraftyCorn said.
Bobby and I answered their questions for 7 minutes. And finally Bobby said: - Guys, guys, be quiet! We only have two hours until tonight! We must prepare for his arrival! - and finally everyone fell silent. Everyone quietly followed us to my house, chatting merrily.