Chapter Two: Friends and Exitement

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Malena strolled into her bathroom, the anticipation of a refreshing shower adding a skip to her step. With meticulous care, she arranged a towel and a fresh set of clothes and undergarments on the bathroom counter, ensuring everything was neatly laid out for her post-shower routine. Tonight, she had plans to meet up with her dear friend Sailor for a few drinks. Sailor, a companion from music school, held a special place in Melina's heart, their bond forged through shared passions and countless memorable moments. As one of Malena's closest confidantes within their friend group, their friendship had blossomed from a chance pairing on a school project into a cherished connection.

Leaning over the bathtub, Malena deftly turned on the water spicket, adjusting the temperature until it reached the perfect balance of warmth and comfort. With a satisfied nod, she stepped into the shower, her clothes and undergarments discarded on the floor. The sound of running water enveloped her as she closed the curtains, cocooning herself in a private sanctuary. Retrieving her phone from the counter, she queued up a playlist curated by Sailor, her current favorite song, "I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?" by A Day to Remember, filling the air with energetic melodies.

As the steam began to fill the air, Malena indulged in a thorough scalp cleanse, relishing the sensation of rejuvenation with each gentle massage. With practiced movements, she lathered her hair with shampoo, ensuring every strand was thoroughly cleansed before rinsing away the suds. Wrapping her hair in a towel to keep it out of the way, she turned her attention to her body, luxuriating in the sensation of warm water cascading over her skin.

Next came her skincare routine, a ritual she approached with care and attention. Dispensing two pumps of her favorite face wash, she worked the creamy lather into her skin, her movements gentle yet purposeful. With a final rinse, she stepped out of the shower, the plush towel enveloping her in warmth as she patted herself dry. With her hair secured in the towel, she took a moment to admire her reflection in the bathroom mirror, a sense of contentment washing over her as she prepared for the evening ahead.


After meticulously selecting her outfit for the night, Malena admired herself in the mirror, the dim light casting a flattering glow on her ensemble. Opting for a simple yet edgy look, she slipped into a black band t-shirt with her latest Hot Topic find, a testament to her taste in music and fashion. Paired with black skinny jeans and fishnet tights peeking out from underneath the rips in her skinny jeans, her outfit exuded a rebellious charm that perfectly matched her mood. Completing the ensemble with a pair of well-worn combat boots, Malena felt ready to take on the night ahead.

Just as she finished adjusting her boots, the familiar sound of her phone ringing filled the room, the caller ID flashing Sailor's number. With a grin, she hastily picked up the phone, eager to finalize their plans for the evening. "Hey, yeah, I'm ready," she exclaimed excitedly, her voice laced with anticipation. "I'm heading out now, so do you want to go into Scranton?" she asked, her words tumbling out in a rush of excitement.

On the other end of the line, Sailor's voice echoed with enthusiasm as she eagerly accepted Malena's invitation. "Okay, yeah, I'll be there," Sailor confirmed, her tone mirroring Malena's excitement. With plans set in motion, Malena hurriedly gathered the last few items she needed for the evening, her heart racing with anticipation. Making her way to her car parked on the street, she couldn't contain her excitement, her mind buzzing with the news she was eager to share with Sailor. As she settled into the driver's seat, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of working with her dream band, Motionless In White.

As Malena embarked on her drive to the bar in Scranton, a sense of excitement tingled in her veins, her anticipation building with each passing mile. Pulling into the parking lot, her gaze immediately landed on Sailors's car, a familiar sight that brought a smile to her lips. Beside it sat Sailor's Toyota Supra, a beacon of familiarity amidst the sea of vehicles. Spotting an open parking spot adjacent to Sailor's car, Malena expertly maneuvered her own vehicle into place, the satisfying click of the ignition signaling her arrival.

With the keys safely tucked into her pocket, Malena made her way into the bar, the familiar sights and sounds washing over her like a wave of nostalgia. Scanning the room, her eyes quickly found Sailor nestled in a booth, indulging in a plate of wings, undoubtedly drenched in barbecue sauce. With a playful grin, Sailor teased Malena about her tardiness, eliciting a chuckle from her lips.

"Sorry, blame it on the traffic," Malena retorted with a playful roll of her eyes, sliding into the seat opposite Sailor. Grabbing a wing from the plate, she dipped it into the savory sauce, savoring the familiar taste. Sailor's inquiry about her day sparked a burst of excitement within Malena, her grin widening as she prepared to share her news.

"Well, brace yourself for this," Malena began, her voice brimming with excitement. "I landed a job with Motionless In White!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. The announcement drew curious glances from fellow patrons, but Malena and Sailor simply laughed off the attention.

Sailor's eyes sparkled with excitement at the news, her mind already racing with possibilities. "That's amazing! Maybe I can join you on tour as a photographer," she suggested eagerly, her enthusiasm infectious.

Malena chuckled at the idea, nodding in agreement. "They might just go for it! You never know until you ask," she replied, the prospect of sharing the experience with her friend filling her with warmth.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the waitress, prompting them to place their drink orders. As they waited for their drinks to arrive, Sailor couldn't help but inquire about Malena's upcoming meetings with the band's management.

"When's your meeting with the band or management?" Sailor asked, her curiosity piqued.

Malena shrugged, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Not entirely sure yet, but I'm expecting a call from management tomorrow to iron out the details. It's all happening so fast," she admitted, her excitement tinged with a touch of nervousness.

Sailor nodded understandingly, offering her support. "Well, whatever happens, I'm here for you every step of the way," she reassured Malena, their bond stronger than ever as they eagerly awaited the next chapter of Malena's journey.

Malena nodded in agreement, a sense of gratitude washing over her as she realized how fortunate she was to have Sailor by her side through it all. With each sip of their drinks and every bite of another plate of wings, the night unfolded in a flurry of laughter and shared moments. As the evening wore on, the crowded atmosphere of the grill seemed to amplify their bond, reinforcing the strength of their friendship.

Eventually, the time came to bid farewell to the bustling ambiance of the bar, each friend retreating to the comfort of their own homes. Malena returned to her humble abode, the familiar surroundings providing a sense of solace after a whirlwind evening. With exhaustion tugging at her limbs, she indulged in another quick shower, the warm water serving as a soothing balm for her tired muscles.

As she emerged from the shower, wrapped in the embrace of a fluffy towel, Malena couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. With a contented sigh, she slipped into her pajamas, the soft fabric comforting against her skin. With each step towards her bed, she felt the weight of the day slowly lift from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment.

Climbing into bed, Malena nestled beneath the covers, her thoughts drifting towards the adventures that awaited her in the days to come. With Sailor's unwavering support and the promise of new opportunities on the horizon, she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, eager to greet whatever tomorrow may bring.

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