Bad day on thanksgiving...(Setsuna tokage)

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Y/N was born in a long line of a lizard based family, also called the tokage family. And as the name states, yeah, you were in a family with people with lizard quirks, but that wasn't it all they had to offer, with an expandable and variety of lizard based quirks that is suited for anyone, to say they had great genes that even endeavor himself would want his hands on one of the family members their if his quirk was actually somewhere suited for them, unless it create some dragon type quirk, which gladly he had no idea this family even existed or cared when he had his hands full. 

Despite this, they were just an average family that one of their beloved family members made it to U.A thanks to recommendations of their great family. But like other family, they were coming together to celebrate thanksgiving, and they did at Y/N's place. he and his mother both were preparing the house before their arrival, Y/N's mother was cooking like crazy, making every dish and made sure it was perfect while the boy himself was setting up the table and making the small kitty table for the younger members of the family.

"Are you excited for the family dinner?" y/n's mother asked, turning her head to glance at him while he just gave her a bored stare

"Not really, I don't get along with some of them, I'll just spend most of my time in my room till it's time for dinner" He retorted, turning his head back in boredom while his mother just let out a faint giggle

"Oh come on, it's not going to be so bad, it'll be nice to see them again, at least you'll have company instead of hiding yourself in your room and do nothing all day"

"I almost have nothing in common with my family, they'll just talk to each other instead and leave me out" He stated, he showed no care in who he might talk to during the thanksgiving meal as he would rather just play games in his room till the end.

"Your such a introvert, at least be enthusiastic about it!" She put the pot down and had a small pouty face at her sons apathetic attitude towards the family dinner. "At least your cousin is happy in coming here, why can't you be more like her" 

And with those words, the mention of his cousin made him squeeze the chair in shock and panic as he slowly turned his head towards his mother slowly.

"C...cousin setsuna? setsuna freakin togake!?" He asked, his hands shook before letting go of the chair and looked at his mother with eyes filled with fear and nervousness, that somehow she didn't notice

"Yes her, why are you surprised silly? it's a family thanksgiving, of course she's coming!"

About his cousin...well about her was...she was practically the opposite of him. Put him next to his cousin and nobody would ever tell they are related. She was confident, chatty, enthusiastic and even made it in a great school of U.A, while back then, she use to be deemed as a gyaru back in middle school that in just a week she could bring up a ton of different friends and have guys chase her tail while he could barely got one glance from a girl when he was trying to find which shirt to wear for picture day.

But all of that wasn't why he was scared of her, in fact it was one moment that made him truly shy around her and it was a pretty good reason why. A haunting memory when he had visited her and her family during last years thanksgiving party.

A bad image that was marked into his brain for good and honestly he just prayed that it would get out, but it was never answered. Hours before dinner and Y/N's boredom was stronger then his own patients, he would leave his game console he brought with him and make him wonder around the long hallway of his cousins home. His curiosity grew more when he had heard weird noises come from the bathroom that was far end of the hallway.

Similar to the certain videos he watched, he recognized that voice, his cousin setsuna was in the bathroom. He didn't think anything weird at first, and only assumed it was just her trying to push out any kind of food she digested, but oddly the sounds he heard grew more stranger and...erotic? 

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