Touch, but don't look (toru hagakure)

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Toru hagakure was a special case of attention seeking. when growing up with a quirk where nobody could see her, she was bound to find some attention. Don't get her wrong, she loved her quirk, in fact she had many uses to it for her own kind of pleasure like sneaking out of the house without her parents catching her or perves won't catch her when she's busy changing, but when it came to getting some compliments from boys in her past school or flat out getting noticed by anyone, it was a blessing and a curse to say the least. 

That kind of neglection didn't stop her, in fact it made her more in becoming more of the outgoing bubbly side, in which was why she would always try to get noticed by some of her classmates now at U.A. And in the end, it paid off, she made friends at the end of the day and one thing about her new life as a hero was just one boy.

It started off as just bumping into each other, but then it went to a full on friendship. This boy was...well something special to her. one being was how he always managed to notice her no matter what she was. He knew when she was trying to sneak up on him or where she was in the classroom, out of everyone, he was always the one to notice her and what was shocking...he was blind!

The blind kid of the class had actually noticed her way more then any guy in the school and if there was a chance for someone to notice her, she would take it immediately and when she spend more time with him, she sort of grew more...attached. And speaking of...

"Hagakure, Why are you starring at me?" While everyone was busy getting up and started to leave class for lunch, the boy that wore the dark glasses around his eyes stared down at his desk before calling out the invisible girl that was busy watching him from a far.

"How do you keep knowing what I'm doing!" A red tint appeared on her cheeks at being caught before getting up from her seat and skipped towards him

"Well you know my quirk, I just happen to tell" He gave a light chuckle, picking up his cane and unfolded and straightening it for him to use and got up from his seat to attend lunch.

"Your such a party pooper, do you need to call me out every chance you get?" 

"Not my fault you make it so easy for me" Both walked out of the class, feeling a light punch hit his arm when she heard the adorable "hmph" that came from the invisible girl

"Your lucky I still like hanging around you cause you can practically see me or else I would ignore you without even a notice!" Waving her invisible hand around in a huff, but wasn't too mad at him at all when there was a few cute giggles coming out of her

When both arrived to the cafeteria and grabbed some food in their trays and took a seat across each other, while also being accompanied by some of their classmates.

"Did you hear about the next class we are partaking" The thick classmate momo asked with a raised hand

"No, what about it?" Kaminari asked, resting his arms on the table to lean in closer

"We'll all be taking our work studies soon and with that day just around the corner we need to prepare who we are heading to, some of our old agencies won't take us again so we need to pick wisely who we will be going again, especially when we will now be partaking the battle field along side them" She explained

"Yeah, and if we chose wrong then we'll probably learn less and be sidelined, kinda like you yaoyorozu at the uwabami agency" Kaminari pointed out that with a wide smile, not realizing it left the girl on her knees and sadness and soon got punched right in the arm by jiro for hurting her friend "Ow!"

"ugh, with villains and agencies, I swear all these new hero training is gonna kill me!" Hagakure took a deep sigh in annoyance while leaning back in her seat

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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