𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Floyd's legs trembled with each small step he took on this first day of freedom,  he had been stuck in diamond bottle for two months and just now reconnected with all four of his brothers John dory, Spr- Bruce! Clay and Branch.Feeling greatful was an understatement! But after being rescued , everything is so new and overwhelming .

Until he fully recovers—if that day comes ,Floyd has a safe place  in Branch's bunker, a place they often dreamt of in their youth. Right now, he's sitting on the couch, it was a struggle to eat a proper meal after a harrowing time of surviving on nothing but spoiled fruit, but he'll try his best.

He watched with a curious eye as his youngest brother Branch and his girlfriend Queen poppy shared .. almost like secrets to eachother ?  it made his heart race when he spotted them whispering across the room .

It made him feel anxious about whatever they could be discussing - Especially if it could be anything to do with him .

"Well I better go brancifer , catch up later though alright? I love u!"  poppy smiled and opened her arms for a hug and branch quickly took the offer,"sounds good poppy.i love you to" He kissed  her cheek and she smiled , turning around. She waved  "see ya later Floyd"

Floyd snapped back to reality when Poppy swiftly turned around, giving  a quick wave goodbye and a bright smile with her overbite grin .Despite the exchange between her and Branch, Floyd's anxiety lingered like a stubborn cloud.

" Could it be bad?" He Doubts it. He's always been labeled the sensitive one out of his four brothers cause well he's a huge over thinker but anyone would be worried over that.. right?

He hasn't know poppy for more then twenty four hours really  but she seems almost like a real firecracker—vibrant, cheerful, and always ready to sprinkle a little bit of sunshine wherever she goes. She's the glue that holds everyone together with her boundless energy and caring heart.

Well they have not had the chance to get to know each other the greatest.
He can tell that she has an amazing goofy charm to her and is perfect for branch ,Floyd had found himself hoping she stays as she is because surprisingly , he really enjoys her company .

he looked down at his plate , John had made him lunch before heading out for some errands with Rhonda, a striped armadillo bus. Continuing to stare  at the big ol bowl of rainbow spaghetti , sprinkles instead of cheese . This was Floyds favourite food and something he constantly craved during his time at mount rageous.. oh god stop thinking about it !

He wobbled over to the trash can and threw it out.He felt guilty but to nauseous to even put a dent in the damn pasta. "Uhhm ur not hungry?"  Branch said suddenly.

it had been almost silent since poppy left he forgot branch was there . In his own home to? " WOAH! Oh uh branch haha .. um yeah sorry did u want it ? I don't want to be wasteful it's just tha-"
he got cut off .

"Nope, not hungry myself but it's no problem Floyd."  he swiped the dish out of his older brothers hand and started washing the plate, Floyd smiled, greatful he didn't have to explain that and walked over towards the sofa. Branch had a nice place , homey and comforting . "Hey guys,  branch , do you have any idea where Bruce is?" both Floyd and branch turned around to see Clay standing on the elevator.

"Ur just getting up clay?, man some things never change .. oh and Bruce let me know that he is going back to vacation island , but will be back hoping to bring brandy and our nephews and niece with him. Wow Those are two words I never thought I'd say." branch eyes opened wide pouring his coffee into a mug, he loves his caffeine. "True but I also heard his  kids are like four times the size of Bruce .. 12 sons and one daughter? I don't think I could ever do that."

"Well no I wasn't sleeping. I've been up for awhile, Viva and I walked around and got to know some of the other trolls around , I already met tiny diamond which is great but I also met his father  Guy diamond, nice guy! I met biggie, Mr dinkles, cooper, and cloud gu-"

"clay I swear , stay away from cloud guy as much as u can because ur going to just end up being entertainment for him, he loves to get a rise out of me just because he thinks it's fun."  Rolling his eyes, he sipped his coffee and looked at the four large books clay placed on the table. Clay grabbed one and headed over to the sofa where Floyd sat.

"What's going on man!" He wrapped his arm around him and opened his book. Floyd still felt anxious after poppy and branch's little interaction because it reminded him of when velvet and veneer would speak furtivley, nothing ever good happened.Ever.

"Not a lot really hah ..just thinking  about well uhm.." he admitted how much he missed his brothers, even though John dory and Bruce weren't here at the moment.

His eyes began to fill with tears and without a moments hesitation branch and Clay both gathered around, wrapping him up in a warm hug as he cried. They had not seen eachtoher in 20 years and their bond was still so strong. And that was so comforting.

The hug lasted a few minutes and Floyd felt quite better , he smiled and let out a small laugh "it feels so great to be with u guys though." "I was about to say the same thing." "I agree Floyd."

A creaking sound broke them out of the moment when John Dory appeared "hellooooo oh my gosh what the hell happened ?" He was concerned and he sprinted to Floyd with his arms out to hug his little brother. They had not seen John in so long , 20 years to be exact and were all wondering since when did JD become so affectionate?! It was funny to see Floyd thought.

the first thing he saw when arriving at the bunker was Clay and bitty b bear hugging a sniffling floyd, his soft fur is blue and at the moment it was tinted red and pink with tear stains.

"I'm okay John , just a little overwhelmed with emotions that's all" he accepted his hug and everyone smiled.A minute had passed and The room went silent and it honestly seemed like no one was going to speak.

"Okay this is feeling kinda uncomfortable.." Floyd thought to himself , little did he know everyone felt the same at this point.

"Branch , do u mind if ur bro soaks in the tub" floyd asked biting his cheek and branch shook his head .

"Towels are under the sink cabinets. maybe don't use the bright pink one. It's poppy's for when she stays the night and there's glitter all over it " he scratched his neck and avoided eye contact, They all smirked at his little "she stays the night comment"

"Oh god you guys seriously!?" "Hahahaha wow branch didn't know u we're chill like that" "yea yea get outta here " he shoved Clay.

Floyd thanked him and got up , he stumbled a little bit but said no when John insisted he helped him walk towards the hallway.

"Alright guys we need to talk about the plan again for tonight . remember that-" it was the last thing he heard heard as he shut the bathroom door.

It just made him even more nervous .

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Beneath the glitter :Floyd's whisper of peace.Where stories live. Discover now