15-Fresh start

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It was a cold, rainy, morning of March... the train was arriving right on time at the big and modern Liverpool station... the two friends were almost asleep, Bastian's head on Tristan's shoulders and Tristan's head on Bastian's hair, the early flight and 1h30 train's ride from Manchester had ended them.

"Last stop! Lime street! Last stop!" shouted the electric voice of the driver in the speakers.

-"Bastian, wake up, we have to go out of the wagon, come on! Our new life is waiting for us!"

-"Mmh... don't wanna, it's cold outside..." mumbled he while extending his sore body. Tristan smiled while noticing his messy hair and grumpy face, he grabbed his hand and pulled on his friend's arm to help him moving forward.

The wind was quite strong, and the light rain was penetrating in all holes and interstices, but nothing could have prevented them from smiling like two idiots when admiring the old buildings at their right, the Crown Hotel and his black/white and Golden big letters at their left.

-"Com'on Buddy! We still have 30 minutes' walk before being home! Better not stay out for too long with this damn British weather! You'll see, I bet you'll love the flat! There is a surprise for ya!"

The building was close to L1, but a bit old and decrepit so the rent was affordable. The main entrance door was high, with shattered glass and metallic decorations, and emitted a long, creaking, sound when Tristan pushed it.

-"Well, let's go! I hope you have your stamina back! The flat is on the 5th floor and there is no elevator... let me know if you need to take breaks!"

-"Pfft, it should be ok... I'm not this weak..."

After many stops, and that Tristan should have pushed Bastian and encouraged him to climb the numerous steps, the boys were finally standing in front of their door, all red and out of breath.

-"Aahh... aahh... oof... we made it! I'm glad that next time we won't have our trolley with us ahah! And now, what's that surprise you talked to me about?" asked Bastian with a childish expression.

-"Hehe, let's see.... After you..." said his friend while opening the door with a dramatical bowing.

The first room they entered was a large and luminous, thanks to two huge windows, living room, with wooden made floor, and a small but functional opened kitchen in the right corner. They went further inside, and Tristan showed to Bastian three doors to the left; the first one was his bedroom, he voluntarily took the smaller one as he was more comfortable in tiny spaces. Then the second door, the bathroom, without bathtub as per Bastian's request, but a large shower, two separated sinks and a big wall cupboard, Tristan couldn't refrain his smile when he heard Bastian's sigh of relief.

-"And here is your surprise, Buddy! I hope you'll like it! That's why I have chosen this flat for us when I visited it!"

Bastian gently pushed the door of his room, and gasped when he entered in. The mid-morning light was bathing the place through the large bay window, few dust fairies were dancing in its rays. His gaze followed the luminous lines to reach the wool blanket carelessly disposed in the bed, and he shouted:

-"No way! It's a suspended bed!! For real?? Ooh and look at this dressing table! And this cupboard! And this rocking chair!! Ah Tristan! Where did you find all of this? Ah thank you!! I love it so much! I lov..." but he stopped before these words slipped out of his mouth, looked at the punk standing against the doorframe, the arms crossed on his chest and with a wide smile on his face.

-"ooh there is not that much! The persons living here before asked me if they could let the bed in this room as it was too big to be moved and there is a second-hand furniture store next street, so I thought you'd love to have you own shelter... Ooh and look at the wall behind you!"

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