Chapter 1

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In a distant kingdom, there lived a greedy and evil king named Mutantos. He often gets pleasure from torturing others and suppresses those at the bottom of the hierarchy. Anyone who disobeys him will be killed, and his people are very dissatisfied. As a result, a group of brave men rose up to eradicate this king and bring light to this country. They gained many followers and were regarded as heroes of this kingdom by the people who love and support them. But as time went by, the group of brave men stopped serving the people and also became greedy due to wanting more power. This leads to people once again plunged into dire straits...
A little boy about seven to eight years old called out, and a young golden retriever immediately jumped out from the bushes and started licking the little boy's face. The little boy's name is Sammy. He is the only child of a merchant and a noble lady from a once rich family. His father is handsome and humorous, and his mother is beautiful and quiet. Although his family is not rich, it is not poor either. It is a middle-income family. The family lives happily on a plantation.

"Sammy, stop playing and come in quickly!" A woman called from inside the house. Although the woman was not well-dressed, she gave people a calm feeling. After hearing this, the little boy obediently went into the house, followed closely by the puppy. He sat at the dining room table and his mother served a plate of cookies for Sammy to eat. Sammy was so happy that he picked up a piece with his little hands and stuffed it into his mouth. His mother, Ms. Mallya, told him to eat slowly and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. The puppy happily ate the cookie crumbs on the ground and smacked his lips. Sammy's father Mr. Mallya came in from outside. He had just finished chopping firewood and was sweating profusely from the heat. He looked at his family with a smile and stepped forward to kiss Ms. Mallya. Ms. Mallya smiled, turned to Sammy and said, "Sammy, I have an errand for you today." Sammy got up from the chair happily and said, "What's the errand?" Ms. Mallya said, "I want you to go to the town to buy something." While talking, she handed Sammy a purse. There were scattered silver coins and paper money in the purse, not much but enough to buy needed daily necessities. Ms. Mallya gave Sammy some extra money to buy some candies. Sammy happily walked towards town.

He went to the crowded market and where the sellers were all screaming for people to buy their stuff, it was very noisy but Sammy was used to it now. He calmly walked to the apple stall and asked the seller for some apples. The person that was selling the apples was Mrs. Lefray, she smiled and sold Sammy 10 apples and gave him an extra one for free. Sammy gladly accepted it and said thank you. Sammy kept walking and brought some other fruits and vegetables on the way. He got some bananas, cabbage, cheese and milk for free, he was very happy.

His sack was loaded with food, he can't wait to show his parents the stuff he brought. He happily walked back home. The market was one mile from his house so he took a long time walking, his feet was all sore. Then he saw clouds of thick smoke hovering over the sky and it smelled burnt. Was there a fire?! He wondered and rushed towards home.

Sammy couldn't believe what he saw, there was a big fire that was engulfing his house! He rushed to his house and screamed, "Dad! Mom!" But there was no response. Sammy drowned his clothes in a bucket of water then rushed inside the house. He saw two bodies laying on the floor, it was his mom and dad! He rushed over and trembled as he lifted them up. Both of them have been stabbed by a sword and the fire is slowly creeping towards their bodies. His dad had died but his mom slowly opened her eyes when Sammy lifted her up. Ms. Mallya looked at Sammy and smiled then said, "You came......" Sammy cried, "Yes, What happened to you guys?!!!" Ms. Mallya said slowly, "It......was.....the......royal" and then blood bursted out from her mouth and she finally took her last breath. Sammy raised his head up and cried, "Mom!!!!!!!" And started sobbing. He had lost both of his parents all in one day, he is all alone now! And there was a woof, Sammy looked at the doorway and saw Evia, his little golden retriever. Evia pounced at him and kept barking, there was blood stains on him, he has some minor injuries too. Sammy cried and hugged Evia tight in his arms.

They quickly went out of the house and can only watch as the house burns into ashes. Sammy has some minor burns and injuries from being the house, the fire was so big he could't take out his parent's dead bodies so he had to watch them burn also. Tears started to form in his eyes and streaked down his face, he still could not believe what had happened today. It was just an ordinary day and now this has happened! After a while, Sammy calmed down a bit and said, "I have to go to my friend's house and see if he can help me." Sammy asked Evia if he wants to go with him since he is his only family member now. Evia barked and put his head on Sammy's leg, Sammy rubbed Evia's head and they set out together to Dameon, Sammy's friend's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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