
847 47 31

July 13, 2023

Three days had passed. Three days in which Yunho and Mingi had done nothing but explore the whole island. Hongjoong had given Yunho the hint that his parents lived in some kind of a resort, but so far they had been unsuccessful.

Yunho sat on a bench facing the sea, deep in thought. The fresh air swirled his hair in all directions. It was a warm, pleasant wind and yet everything felt colder than usual. Mingi dropped down next to Yunho and handed him an ice cream.

"We'll find them," he said, as he could see from the look on Yunho's face what he was thinking about. "You've been saying that for three days, Mingi. I'm not even surprised I can't find them, it's probably exactly what they wanted."

Yunho tore open the wrapper of the ice cream. Mingi didn't know how to cheer him up. Every hour and day that passed made their search more futile. Mingi licked on his strawberry ice cream and looked sadly out at the sea, which looked just as gray and listless as Yunho and Mingi felt.

"Where are you going now that you've decided to move out? Are you sure you don't want to talk to the others? I'm sure that only Hongjoong and Seonghwa knew about everything." Yunho let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders. "As long as I don't know if everything Hongjoong told me is true, I don't want to talk to them." Mingi nodded slowly.

"What about Hongjoong's father? Won't he come looking for you." Yunho smirked. "Let him. I'm not afraid of him and from all appearances, he cares far too much about me to harm me in any way." Mingi digested Yunho's words and became thoughtful. "Why did he want you to work for him so much back then?" Yunho remained silent for a few seconds, then stood up from the bench. "I have no idea." Mingi did the same.

They walked a little way along the beach promenade. "How many places do we have left?" Mingi wanted to know and grabbed Yunho's arm.
"I think nine or so. If we keep at it, we might be done tomorrow," Yunho said as they continued to walk. "Okay." Mingi smiled. Although it seemed hopeless, he was still confident.


Completely exhausted, Yunho and Mingi entered their hotel room after checking in for the night. Like the rest, the last five places were just a flop. But there were still four left and Mingi couldn't help but to hope.

Yunho flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes. But the silence didn't last long before Mingi pulled him back to his feet by his arm. "Come on, you still have to take a shower." Yunho made a pouty face. "I want to sleep," Yunho whined as Mingi pulled him towards the bathroom and, against his will, ordered him to take a shower. Yunho stopped and gave Mingi a grim look. Mingi laughed and tried to leave, but Yunho held him tight.

"Join me at least," he whined. Mingi had to smile, but he couldn't say no to Yunho's look anyway. Mingi helped Yunho out of his clothes and while he got into the shower, Mingi undressed. Then he followed him and after warm water flooded Yunho's body, he felt two arms around him.

Mingi rested his head on Yunho's shoulder. Then they just stood there and listened to the water splashing against the glass of the shower and making its way to the floor. Mingi felt Yunho's warm body against his and there was no better feeling in the world.

He gave Yunho a kiss on the back of his neck, then reached to the side and picked up a shampoo bottle. Slowly, he began to lather Yunho's hair. Yunho still had his eyes closed and was smiling. When Mingi had finished, he stood under the water and Mingi lovingly washed the shampoo out of his hair.

Yunho turned around and brushed the wet hair out of his face, then he looked Mingi in the eyes and smiled. He leaned forward and gave Mingi a kiss. Mingi smiled too. He would give anything to be with Yunho like this forever.


A few minutes later, they were both lying in bed with their hair still wet and snuggled up together. Mingi's head lay on Yunho's chest and he listened to his steady heartbeat. Yunho had Mingi wrapped tightly in his arms.

"No matter what happens tomorrow. I'm here for you, you know that, right?" Mingi whispered and began to draw small circles on Yunho's stomach with his finger. He said this to Yunho every night, but he still had the feeling that he should say it over and over again.

Mingi felt a slight nod from Yunho. "Thank you for everything," he whispered and Mingi felt a tingling in his stomach. They were simple words, yet they meant so much.
"Its nothing," Mingi said and Yunho looked down at him. He stroked a strand of hair from Mingi's forehead and planted a kiss on him.

"No, it's not. I know I was shitty to you in the beginning. I know I never showed how much you meant to me. I know that I tried to push you away from me over and over again." Yunho's voice broke off and Mingi looked at him sympathetically. "I was just afraid that you would leave me too or that I would hurt you. I wish I could go back in time to when we first met. I wouldn't have let you go that night and I would have done everything right from the start. Maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this."

Mingi's hand moved to Yunho's face and his thumb ran over the soft skin of Yunho's cheek. "Yunho, stop holding on to the past. What matters is the future and that we're together now. I don't care what happened, I still love you just the way you are. And that won't change, I'm sure of it." Mingi heard Yunho swallow. "I love you too," he breathed, barely audible, then he pulled Mingi even closer and rested his chin on Mingi's head. "I'll protect you, no matter what."


Mingi and Yunho stood waiting in front of a resort right next to a beach.
It was almost the last stop on their list. Mingi grabbed Yunho's hand and together they entered the small building. There was a strange silence in the air and they both walked slowly to the reception desk, where a young woman was sitting. She smiled at them both and asked how she could help them.

Yunho pulled a small photo of his parents out of his pocket. "Do you know these two people?" The woman put on her glasses and leaned forward. At first she looked very confused, then her eyebrows raised. Mingi's heart suddenly beat faster.

"Yes, yes, I know them. They've been living here for a while," she said with a smile. Mingi noticed how Yunho's expression changed and his hand tightened. "Can you tell me which room they have?" The woman took off her glasses again. "And who are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Yunho took a deep breath. "I'm Jeong Yunho, their son." Since the woman still didn't look convinced, Yunho took out his police ID. "I have a few questions for them," he said a little more seriously and the woman finally gave in.

Mingi and Yunho walked silently through the semi-dark corridor. They stopped in front of number 35. Yunho hesitated. His face was as white as a sheet. "I'm with you," Mingi whispered to him. Yunho nodded to him, then raised his hand and knocked loudly on the wooden door.

It was silent for a while, then a voice was heard getting louder and the door opened. A woman with brown hair appeared. She had her phone in her hand. "Wait a minute, there's someone at the door right now," she spoke into her phone and when she looked from Mingi to Yunho, her friendly smile choked.

"Hi mom." Yunho said, his voice colder than ever. Mingi was afraid of what was about to happen and of the truth..


Update on Tuesday <33

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