Chapter 19

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Guest House:

The morning dawned with an unusual air of tension, casting a shadow over the tranquility of the kitchen. Kathir's footsteps echoed softly as he descended the staircase, his mind still swirling with the events of the previous night. Yet, as he entered the kitchen, he was met with a surprising sight - Mullai already there, engrossed in the task of preparing her coffee and his tea.

For Kathir, her presence in the kitchen at this early hour and that too making tea for him was unexpected, prompting a flurry of questions to race through his mind. Could it be that Mullai was reevaluating their decision to divorce, spurred on by the unspoken confession from the night before? The mere thought seemed improbable, yet the possibility lingered, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the morning.

Mullai, however, seemed oblivious to Kathir's internal turmoil, her focus fixed on the task at hand. As Kathir approached, she continued her work without so much as a glance in his direction. Undeterred by her apparent indifference, Kathir moved closer, his presence a silent acknowledgment of their shared space.

K - Naanae pottukuren..

Kathir declared, his voice cutting through the subdued atmosphere as he gently took the tea pan from Mullai's grasp. Surprisingly, she offered no resistance, allowing him to assume control of the task without protest.

His gaze lingered on Mullai, his observant eyes taking in every detail of her countenance. The faint creases on her forehead and the shadows under her eyes betrayed a restless night, prompting him to wonder if she had found solace in sleep at all. A pang of concern tugged at his heartstrings, urging him to reach out and offer comfort, yet he hesitated, wary of overstepping boundaries.

As the question lingered on his lips, he found himself grappling with the internal turmoil of whether to broach the subject. Would she perceive his inquiry as intrusive, an unwelcome intrusion into her private thoughts and emotions? The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him momentarily paralyzed as he struggled to navigate the delicate balance between concern and respect for her boundaries.

Finally, unable to suppress his apprehension any longer, Kathir ventured forth, his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of anxiety.

K - Kannellam sevandhu irukku..night sariya thoongalaya??

He inquired, his words laden with genuine concern. His eyes softened with empathy as he took note of her weary demeanor, his heart aching at the sight of her apparent exhaustion.

Mullai's response was terse, her attention remaining fixed on the task at hand as she deflected his concern with a dismissive reply.

M - Appadiyellam onnum illa..actually nethu raathiri dan nalla thoonginen..

She stated stoically, her words devoid of warmth as she rebuffed his attempt to reach out. Despite her curt response, Kathir couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that lingered within him, a silent reminder of the unresolved tension that simmered beneath the surface of their interactions.

After that brief exchange, Kathir fell into a subdued silence, his mind preoccupied with thoughts that refused to be silenced. Mullai's demeanor remained unchanged, leaving him to grapple with the elusive notion of deciphering her true feelings. Despite his efforts to discern any subtle shifts in her demeanor, he found himself at a loss, realizing the futility of his attempts.

Taking refuge in the familiarity of routine, Kathir retrieved his tea cup and settled onto the couch, seeking solace in the quietude of the morning. His attention turned to the pages of the newspaper, yet his thoughts lingered elsewhere, a constant companion amidst the mundane distractions of daily life.

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