The fire

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If Tim was a firefighter in the rookie.

At Lucy's apartment.
L- ughhh today was such a long day.
J- I know right?! I'm so tired
L- I'll go make us some food.
J- no no I will make us food!!
L- Jackson don't get me started.
J- fine..
Lucy makes them some meatloaf.
J- smells good!!!
L- thank you.
Lucy finishes cooking and calls Jackson to come eat. Lucy accidentally leaves the stove on.
J- ooo looks delicious
L- thank you!! Sooo how's it going with your famous boyfriend...
J- don't call him thatttt it's weird.
L- but he is famous.
J- true true. Well he's been a little freaky lately..
L- woah he's wanting sex already?!
J- yeah.
L- but you guys have been only dating for like a month!!
J- I mean he's kind of the freaky guy in this relationship.
L- u like freaky guys? Damn..
J- heyyy don't yuck my yum now Lucy!
They finish eating.
J- you done?
L- yup
J- give me your plate I'll go put them in the dishwasher.
L- aw thank you
J- mhm
Jackson put their dishes in the dishwasher.
J- sooo have u seen any men u like around town?
L- ehhh not really.
J- oh that sucks. What's your type?
L- well firefighters are hot asf.
J- true!! They are super hot.
L- well ima head to bed.
J- same goodnight Lucy.
L- goodnight Jackson!
They go to bed. The stove fire gets more hot and eventually hits the wooden cabinet starting a fire. The Fire alarm goes off.
L- holy shit.
J- wtf!
They all rush outside.
J- call 911 I don't got my phone!!
Lucy calls 911.
L- they're coming.
3 minutes later. They hear sirens.
J- well here's your time to shine. Your men are here.
L- oh my gosh Jackson.
Tim gets out of the fire truck and gets the hose. Tim and his co-workers put out the fire.
L- omg thank you so much.
T- it's my job. *smiles*
L- right haha!
T- hey your cute wanna go on a date??
L- oh uh... yeah of course!
T- here's my number. *winks* see you tomorrow night hot pants.
L- *chuckles* if my pants are hot why don't u come take it off.. *winks*
T- haha maybe tomorrow I will..
L- okay then. See you tomorrow hot stuff!
T- see you tomorrow hot pants. *gives a little hug*
Tim gets in the firetruck and drives away.
J- that was some fire flirting there! Haha fire get it?...
L- oh my gosh Jackson.. 🤦‍♀️
J- hey at least u got a date.
L- wait.. where are we gonna sleep.
J- oh right. Oh! We can sleepover sterlings house.
L- hmm ok!!
Jackson texts sterling (Jackson's bf) and orders an Uber. They get in the Uber.
?- for Jackson?
J- that's us.
?- alrighty! As you can see there is a game on the tablet that you guys can play if you want.
L- oh I've seen these on cliptok!
?- ah yes these things have been trending on cliptok so that's why I decided to add this to my Uber car.
J- dang this is lit!!!!
A few minutes go by.
?- alright we have arrived at your destination. Consider giving me a 5 star.
L- we will definitely give you a 5 star review!
?- thanks!
They get out of the car and Jackson rings the doorbell.
J- sterling you home??
S- coming!!
Sterling opens the door.
S- oh hey Lucy! Welcome to my mansion.
L- this house is hugeeee
J- what do u expect he's famous!!
L- haha right!!
S- I'll show u to your room Lucy.
Lucy follows sterling to her room.
S- here is your room.
L- holyyy it's huger than our apartment!
S- haha! I'll let you explore and rest.
L- okk thank you for letting us stay.
S- yup anytime!
Sterling leaves and Lucy's goes to sleep excited for her date tomorrow. Meanwhile sterling and Jackson get freakyyyy....

To be continued!! 🤗

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