The Original 15 Part One

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Beta Reader: Darkdecade97

After managing to convince Jeralt that he didn't kiss his Wife during a Play, Jaune was immediately dog piled by the Members of the One-Five. It wasn't the entire Battalion, but it was enough people to completely crush him. "Guys, get off me!! You're going to crush me to death!" Jaune yelled, which was muffled. They got off him and Jaune realizes that it wasn't the entire Battalion just 30 Members. "Papa!" A little girl yelled out as she glomped him. "Newt?!" Jaune asked, as he returned the hug. Newt is a little girl with long pink hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and is wearing a white and pink dress with a black bow.

 Newt is a little girl with long pink hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and is wearing a white and pink dress with a black bow

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"PAPA?!" Nearly every Non-Arcadian yelled. "Yeah, this is Newt, my Adopted Daughter." Jaune casually said. "Oooh! Papa are these my new Mommies?! Newt goes up to one of them and speaks. "You look sad, Future Mommy. Papa hugs me when I'm sad, and it makes me feel better! Maybe you should try hugging Papa to feel better." She said that to Marianne. Meanwhile, the Fódlan Girls who have a crush on Jaune, blush that Newt called them her Future Mommies.

Meanwhile, Marianne is red as a tomato as steam comes out of her ears, before she promptly fainted. Jaune immediately ran to her side and made sure she didn't hurt herself by preventing her head from touching the ground as she fell. This caused jealousy to bubble up inside the Girls who are in love with Jaune. While Newt cutely tilts her head, wondering why Marianne fainted.

"You see while my daughter doesn't look much she is quite the compatible wife for your Son your Highness." Count Varley offered. "Non sense your pathetic excuse of a daughter doesn't stand a chance with her son. But speaking of sons my Ferdinand is quite the true Noble whom you can marry to one of your daughters." Duke Ageir told Juniper. Juniper blankly looked at the Nobles offering their children to marry hers before falling into a fit of laughter. This caused all the Nobles to stop bickering among each other and look at her wondering what's funny. "Your Highness what is so funny?" Count Gloucester asked.

"It's you more specifically all of you. I have encountered people like you merely trying to get in my good graces due to my status of being the Empress. If I was some commoner none of you would've even acknowledged my existence unless it was to satisfy for lust. So let me warn you if any of you try to strong arm my family or any of our friends you will feel the wrath of Arcadia. Am I clear?" Juniper asked.

Many of the terrified Nobles hastily nodded since they didn't want to face the wrath of Arcadia. "Good! Anyway I already believe that two of you actually have good intentions so I'm okay with having your children courting my son. If I were to guess correctly they're already making quite the progress." Juniper said as she looked at three people specifically. Those being Jaune, Mercedes, and Marianne the former two successful waking up the latter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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