four. helpful.

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. chapter four.

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DAMN IT. Why couldn't connor take the hint and leave me the fuck alone? I had made it pretty clear I didn't want to see him, but he was persistent.

He had let my calls ring the night I needed him most, and I couldn't forgive him for it. Thankfully Skylar picked up when I called her, and she rushed to my house.

I'm not sure why he was so intent on lying to me, because I knew damn well he was just out with his friends and chose to not answer the phone.

"Quinn, just wait for two damn seconds!" Connor shouts as he runs after me, but I don't want to speak to him, so I keep walking. If I find Finn he'll go away.

Unfortunately Connor catches me first, grabbing my wrist so I can't walk away.

"Quinn, we don't need to be friends but I have to explain this to you. Why would I have blown you off?" He pleads. "I always answered your calls. Please, I'll try to get evidence, but I don't want you hating me for something I didn't do."

"Connor, I can't do this right now. Please leave me alone." I mutter.

"No, Quinn, because you still don't believe me. I had no reason to not answer your calls. You really think I would ignore you when you needed me? You think that low of me?" He sounds desperate, and I almost feel bad when I pull my wrist out of his grasp, which doesn't take much effort because he's barely holding it.

"I don't know, Connor. Please can we not do this right now?" I beg, and he sighs, running a hand through his hair before nodding.

"Okay. I'm gonna find evidence, though. I would've never blown you off." He says quickly, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

I want to believe him, but what does that say about my relationship with Finn? That I'm just willing to forgive my ex immediately. Will he think I still lo— like Connor?

My saving grace finn walks up a moment later and grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers.

"Hey. Everything okay?" He asks, and Connor opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"Yep, we're good. Connor was just confirming something for tomorrow." I smile at Finn. "See you tomorrow, Connor."

"...yeah, bye." He mutters, walking off towards where Brady and Amiya are.

I hate to say it, but I'd been drifting away from Amiya. I didn't want to, but it seemed like she was always around Connor or Brady, which by default meant I really wasn't welcomed.

I wasn't sure if she realized it, but brady doesn't like me all that much. Which is understandable I guess. I mean, I'm pretty sure Connor took the break up pretty hard.

"You sure everything's alright? He looked pretty frustrated." Finn seems worried, and I smile to reassure him.

"Yeah, we're good. We just disagreed about something on the project, but he agreed to what I wanted, so it's all good." I explain, and Finn shakes his head a little.

𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗞 𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗥 (C.N) ²Where stories live. Discover now