Matcha Latte

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"You call yourself an Alpha, but you will never become one. You're only a combination of a weak alpha and a pathetic omega, you will always be a deku."

Harsh words kept ringing to a middle school Izuku after Katsuki, his former childhood friend and now bully, cornered him on an alleyway when they both passed the UA Entrance Exam.

"N-no. Kacchan, I am also an Alpha and I will be a her—" explosion cut Izuku mid-sentence when Katsuki pushed him on the wall. Cracks dented the wall due to the heavy explosion from the blonde's quirk.

"Dream on, shitty nerd. You are nothing but a quirkless loser and a fucking gamma. You better drop your application to UA before I'll show you what a real Alpha can do." Katsuki dropped his volume threateningly and Izuku cowered turning his neck in submission and shaking legs.


Izuku Midoriya presented twice which is not uncommon but not entirely known. In a society where second genders and quirks are present, these attributes mix through time and creates variants. Inko Midoriya is an omega with an attraction quirk. She can attract small objects to her which makes daily chores easier. Hisashi Midoriya is an alpha who can breathe fire as a quirk and is currently abroad for work. In their union, Izuku Midoriya was born with both alpha and omega attributes. Yet, Izuku was born quirkless and presented as an alpha when he was twelve. He was ecstatic to know that at least being born an alpha can override his inferiority as being born quirkless. However, everything changed when he reached fourteen. He was suddenly hit by a devastating heat confirming that he truly is a gamma.

It was not a secret that Izuku is a Gamma. However, his blonde classmate does not let go of it and use it against him that he's only pretending to be an alpha but he's just a quirkless omega loser. Izuku took it to his heart that he is not pretending but indeed although partially, he is still an Alpha and he will live up to it.


Izuku was granted with OFA and entered UA. Here, Katsuki and Izuku were classmates again. But after the sludge incident, Katsuki stopped bullying him but mostly just exploded and ignored him. Their relationship is still on the rocks, but it can be seen as slightly getting better than their middle school. Katsuki and Izuku are mostly paired up by the teachers for sparring, missions and internships hoping they could mend the childhood friendship of the two.

Their first year was disastrous. Packed with the League of Villains intrusions and the Great War. All Might step down as the Symbol of Peace and passed the torch to Izuku. They lost a lot of colleagues and teachers but Katsuki and Izuku never lost each other.

"I am sorry for everything. I projected all my insecurity against you, that why a quirkless gamma won't give up even being shoved down many times. Why were a weakling chosen by All Might out of all people? But I understood that I'm the one who's weak. I am the one who needs to run after you. But I will also never give up until I can surpass you so you don't have to do this alone; you may think we can never catch up to you now, but that doesn't mean we won't help. Let us share your burden, Izuku. We are all heroes."

During the final battle between Shigaraki and AFO, Katsuki and Izuku tandem together and defeated both villains, eradicating the root of all evils. Katsuki and Izuku laid on the ground full of bruise, blood, sweat, broken limbs but smiles on their faces.



"I'm proud of you. You don't have to be an Alpha or have an amazing quirk to be the best, you just need to be you."

Izuku choked a sob upon hearing this, it may sound trivial but for Izuku, it was the last validation he needed to call himself as a hero. "Thank you, Kacchan. I wouldn't have done it without you. Kacchan is amazing."

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