chapter 4

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Opening my eyes I had to blink a few times and cover my face as sunlight blinded me. 'Wait, sunlight where am- oh...' As my eyes finally adjusted I found myself staring up at the sky and treetops.

Sitting up I also noticed I was lying on a bed of soft mosses and flowers. 'Well, this is not how i expected to wake up.'

Looking around all I could see was endless forest surrounding me, no signs of the ship or whatever brought me here. 'What am I even supposed to do in this situation? I have no idea where I am or how to get back And no clue why I was Brought here in the first place.'

Lying back on the bed of moss I groaned, laying my arm over my face. Why does this Kind of thing always happen to me? Am I just the unluckiest person in existence? Why kidnap me and just leave me out here in the middle of nowhere?!

The Sound of a soft thud startled me as I sat up and looked in the direction it came from.

Lying less than two feet from me on the ground was a little blue, orange. Trailing my eyes up to the bushes I could faintly make out a dark figure hiding amidst the brush.

'Did they come back?' Slowly I moved to grab the fruit and carefully inspected it. Was this some kind of custom for these creatures? Was it giving me fruit as some kind of offering? As much as i wanted to get back to the safety of the ship i knew simply running away or blindly wandering around would only make things worse.

"Hello?" I called out to them. There was no response and they did not move from their spot in the bushes, as if waiting for something. Glancing back at the fruit I decided to grab it looking it over carefully. There was no strange powder on its exterior and no signs of tampering. Hesitantly i peeled it open and ate the fruit, watching the stranger hiding in the bushes closely.

As I chewed the fruit I saw movement as the humanoid creature suddenly stood up and slowly started moving around me, observing me, while staying crouched and cautious. Looking at the fruit in my hand i tore a slice off and held it out in an offering.

"I won't bite if you won't, if you come out we can see eachother a bit better."

I spoke softly in a reassuring manner. Standing up I stepped towards the bushes holding the fruit In my hands. "I appreciate the food, although im not sure why you brought me out here... my friends are going to be worried and come looking for me."

There was a moment of hesitancy before the figure stood up and stepped out of the bushes confidently, spear in hand.

My eyes widened at his overall look as I finally saw him in the light. Broad Shoulders and a full muscled chest, strong arms and legs. Its skin was indeed a dark gray color that seemed to help him blend in at night and in the shadows. His forearms were covered in scales that formed some kind of natural armor plating and there were some patches of scales across his shoulders and legs. His hands were more like claws than anything and his legs were shaped more like an animal than a human's even while standing like a bi-petal creature. His feet were akin to massive reptilian-like claws with three toes on the front and one on the back. Most if not all of his weight was placed on the forefront of his feet as he walked. the patterns across his skin were slightly different than i remember and seemed to be blue instead of green.

He seemed to be well balanced even on the uneven terrain due to the long tail attached to his backside, which swayed back and forth behind him as he cautiously approached. I could make out pointed ears and a crown of horns atop his head that topped off his inhuman appearance. The black mask covering the upper half of his face was painted with intricate symbols i didnt understand or recognize, and his eyes were a deep blue color he had no pupils or irises from what i could tell it was all just one solid color.

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