Part 1.

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In this story we meet a man named Oliver Woods, a simple man who enjoyed being alone. Oliver had recently moved into a new home in a deserted area, where the only neighbors there were miles away. He liked it this way. Though, the part of the home he didn't like was that people tried to constantly break in because it was deemed "haunted". He didn't get it. The home had only been built a few years ago and he'd lived in it for a year without any "ghostly" activity.

Oliver had just gotten done with shooing away another group of teens that came to bother him. He didn't like how they always seemed to try to take entrance through the windows, maybe he should install a security system. He sighed as he decided today was the day he'd figure out why there was a highly deemed "haunted" rating on his home.

Oliver's POV;

I walked around my house boredly, tapping my fingers on the walls beside me as I walked. I didn't get why everyone thought my house was haunted, it was just fine with me. I didn't know how to 'call' on a ghost or whatever was in my home. I stopped walking and thought for a moment. I didn't stand still for long before I began walking again and started a light coo.

"Heeere ghostie - ghosties, where are you?" I practically hummed, bored as I stepped and called for whatever was in my home like you would a dog. I took another step forward before I tripped on something and fell forward, hitting the floor with a thud. I grunted and pushed myself up, rubbing my nose with my left hand as I used my right hand to push myself up to my knees. I turned my head to see what I had tripped on only to see a man arising from outside of my floor and standing above me, his form changing from a red man with horns to a more human appearance. What was this thing? I thought in confusion as I pushed myself up to my feet. I watched as the assumed man transformed and stretched his arms above his head with a yawn.

"What do you need?" The man said, his voice practically booming through the home but quickly shifting to an inside tone. I was so confused. How did he come out of my floor? How did he change how he looked? Why'd he respond to my call? Why can I see him? I had so many thoughts running through my head but I can only say one thing.

"Can you chill with the haunting stuff?" I said, not even thinking about my words. The man didn't even seem bothered, he seemed understanding. He nodded his head and went to scratch his chest tiredly, left hand sliding under his shirt to get rid of the ich, whereas his right hand rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, of course. Sorry about not talking to you sooner, you seemed keen on keeping to yourself." The man said nonchalantly as his hands fell back to his sides. I was very much confused about everything about this but didn't comment on it.

"It's... fine, just keep it down.. I guess." I responded awkwardly. I really didn't know what to say. The man looked me up and down for a moment, seemingly reading me inside and out. He nodded to himself before speaking.

"I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Lucifer, but you can call me Luci or whatever name you prefer." The man, Luci, said calmly while extending his left hand towards me, assuming I would take it to shake it. I froze for a second at the name. 'Lucifer? Like the king of hell?' I thought for a moment before shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

"Uh, I'm Oliver, nice to meet you I guess." I said calmly while not accepting Luci's hand, who simply placed his hand on his hip. I took a few steps back and fixed my hair out of my face from when I had fallen.

"Well, uh, thank you for listening to my request. I guess I'll see you later." I said as I slowly stepped back into the kitchen. Luci nodded in return before I watched him disappear back into the floor like it was magic, maybe it was. I held my breath as I walked into the kitchen to gather my thoughts. 


Author: Hello there! I'll try to write more when I have the time, if anyone reads this, but I hope you enjoy if you do and I will try to write more for the chapters. See you next time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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