I Was A Child Too

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[Y/N slowly wakes up and sees he's in a glass cell. He looks around he then looks and sees Atermis before him stadng there with a hint of anger in her eyes. Y/N questions this before he feels his face and finds that his mask isn't on]

Y/N: Um, Aterm-

Atermis: Don't. You were pretty tough on my team.

Y/N: Well, it's not my fault their weak. Would you believe me if I said I was holding back? And you guys did hit me with a fucking bell.

Atermis: You should have just surrendered and gave up.

Y/N: Really? Then what? We would have our brains across the floor.

Atermis: Again, with this, we stuff. Stop talking in the third person.

Y/N: Who said we are?

Atermis: And what does that mean?

[Venom then wraps around Y/N, and then he quickly punches the glass, cracking it. She backs away in shock as Venom goes back into Y/N's skin]

Y/N: It seems Mom and Crusher forgot to teach you how to control your emotions. It's written all over your face.

Atermis: That's not fair. You know mom loved us.

Y/N: And that's worth what, exactly? You're still just like her. Jade is just like Dad. And me? Well....

[Y/N inspects his suit]

Y/N: I'm something else entirely. If Mom loved us, she would have stopped Crusher, and I wouldn't be in this cell: innocent.

Atermis: You're not innocent. You or that thing. You kill over 30 people all over the world.

Y/N: Oh, and when did you start acting holier-than-thou on me? Geez, it's like I don't know you anymore.

[Something must of flipped in Atermis as she yells]

Atermis: Of course you don't know me. You abandoned me! Ran away to go fight crime.

[Y/N's face softens as he says]

Y/N: I-I had to go. I-I was.... dying there....

[Atermis look softens aswell]

Atermis: Don't you think, I know that? But why didn't you take me with you? I was a child. You were my hero.

[Atermis then punches the glass]

Atermis: You should have protected me!

[Y/N gets back at her outburst. She then grabs her hand and says]

Atermis: But instead, you traded me in. For a cute little alien suit.

[Y/N Looks away as a tear comes from his eye. He says quietly]

Y/N: I was a child too...

[Atermis looks at him. Robin then comes rushing in and says]

Robin: Atermis are you okay?

[Atermis quickly turns around and says]

Atermis: Yeah....yeah, I'm fine.

[They both walk off as Y/N just lays back and closes his eyes...]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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