The flood

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The Island in the River

In the middle of the big river, there was a small island. The river swept around the island touching its banks but never going over it.

The small riverine island was formed almost 20 years ago as a result of erosion by the fast flowing river water.

It was an island with a good for nothing rocky land but a big old tree stood sturdy in the middle of the island.

The island was devoid of any signs of life and that was until Jung Wooyoung decided to live on this barren island along with his grandparents.

The goats feeding on the twigs growing along the banks of the island and the clucking of hens brought some life on the island along with the joyful laughter of Wooyoung.

Wooyoung was an enthusiastic young boy who loved his grandparents dearly. He was a sweet soul filled with curiosity and innocence.

He had learnt many things from his grandparents which included sewing, cooking, fishing, rowing a boat and swimming.

He loved to take care of their animals but there was one thing that he loved more - climbing the big tree that stood in the middle of the island.

He had eventually perfected himself in the skill of tree climbing and could climb the tree easily in less than 5 seconds.

Everyday Wooyoung would spend a few hours sitting on the tallest branches of the big tree and staring at the distant lands.

The colourful birds cutting across the air and the fishes swimming efficiently in the water brought him indescribable bliss.

"Wooyoung-ah !!!"

Wooyoung heard his grandfather call out for him and quickly went down from the tree. He headed to their small house that sat on top of a fairly high area of the island.

"Yes Grandfather ?"

"Help your grandmother with the dinner. She is feeling quite under the weather."

Wooyoung agreed as he sat next to his pale looking grandmother with a look of concern on his beautiful face.

"Leave it to me grandma"

He led the old lady to the cot and helped her lay down despite her protests.

"You need to take care of yourself grandma. The rains are approaching. You might get very sick if you don't rest well."

Wooyoung lectured with a soft tone and concern in his voice.

Deteriorating Health

"She is burning"

Wooyoung mumbled to his grandfather in worry as he stared at the pale, scrunched up in discomfort face of his grandmother.

"I will take her to the town tomorrow morning."

Wooyoung's grandfather stated firmly as he stared at the pained look on his wife's face. Wooyoung nodded in agreement, letting the silence engulf them.

Only the pained groans of Mrs Jung were heard along with the patter of rain on the roof of their small house.

Wooyoung sighed as he took the wet cloth that he had placed on his grandmother's head and dipped it into the bowl of cold water before replacing it on the lady's forehead in an attempt to bring down her fever.

"I'll have to sell the goats in order to get some money for your grandmother's treatment. Will you be fine on the island alone ?"

"I will be fine. But I am a bit worried about the rain. The water level in the river is rising."

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