I like you too

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Loud footsteps could be heard hurrying down the hallway of the JTBC building as trainee Chanelle Moon ran quickly through them. Almost bumping into a staff member, she just apologized quickly as she kept on running.

"I'm gonna be late! Why did it take so long?!" she muttered under her breath.

She sighed in relief as she saw the familiar door. Slowing down she stopped for a second catching her breath before opening the door and quickly slipping in. She looked around, catching the eye of fellow trainee Son Jiwoo, she gulped as she felt her heart stop. "You're here!" Jeongeun said, bringing Chanelle out of her trance.

"Yes, sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my jersey or shoes." She said, still slightly out of breath.

"It's fine, we've only been here for a few minutes, and we wouldn't have been able to do much without you." Jiwoo said, reassuring Chanelle.

"Well let's get to business." Jeongeun said, before walking over towards the iPad on the floor.


"Oh my God!" Chanelle exclaimed. "I don't think I've ever practiced this hard before in my life, not even for monthly evaluations. I'm so dead."

The heavy breathing could be heard from all three. "God, singing and dancing is so much harder than it looks!" Jiwoo said, earning nods from both Jeongeun and Chanelle.

"Let's break for ten minutes!" Jeongeun suggested, earning hums of agreements from the other two.

Chanelle, although seeming relaxed, suddenly remembered why she had been late, the feelings that had been eating her up for almost three months. "Unnie, can we talk for a sec?" She asked Jiwoo, who quickly nodded, before getting off the floor and grabbing Chanelle's hand.

They walked out into the hallway making their way towards a bathroom for one. When the door shut behind them Chanelle took a deep breath in.

"What is it Chanelle?"

"I want to tell you something..." she paused taking another deep breath in, trying to shake away all her nerves. "I wanted to tell you that I like you. I know this might be weird to you, you might hate me, but these thoughts have been eating up at me for months and I just couldn't hold it in anymore."

Hearing those words from Chanelle, caused Jiwoo to hold her breath. "It's okay if you don't feel-"

"I like you too." Jiwoo said, giving Chanelle a bright smile. "Ever since I met you, you've always intrigued me, and at first I thought nothing of it, until that one day when we planned on going out to get some dinner. It felt so much like a date that it made me realize that I liked you. I always thought you didn't like me too, because you would always reply to my affection the same way you would for Moka, or anyone else."

"Unnie, I also thought that when we went for dinner that it felt so much like a date, it was also around then that I realized that I liked you." Jiwoo suddenly engulfed Chanelle into a hug.

"I'm so happy that you like me too, but we still have one big problem. The show."

"Oh my God, I almost forgot that." Chanelle said.

"This might be too risky!'

"Do you want to risk it?" Chanelle asked.

"Yes, so badly, but I'm still worried that we might get caught, and then someone might expose us, and then our carriers will most likely get ruined."

"Fuck that, fuck them. If you want to, I want to, but I do agree we have to be careful."

"Okay, then..." Jiwoo took a deep breath in. "Chanelle Moon, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, of course!" She said, smiling so brightly that it looked like it hurt.

After hearing that, Jiwoo leaned in to connect their lips.

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