Caller ID

18 1 6

You sighed.

You were sitting on your parent's bed watching Terrifier on their TV — it was maybe half past midnight and they were out on their "trip", while you knew exactly what they were doing in a musty motel.

You were sitting there, screaming and laughing at the characters —

"Eeeeughhh clown dude brush your FUCKIN TEETH—"



You were wheezing and shouting, watching the goofy and gory horror film until your phone began to ring on the bedside table. You snatched the remote and paused the film, grabbing your phone and looking at the screen.

The caller ID was unrecognised, not that of your mother or father. Unknown. You huffed and clicked the green 'Answer' Button. "Helloo?" You called out, putting the phone onto speaker.

"Heeeeeeeellllo? I gotta question for you," The caller on the other side of the line drew out. Their voice sounded laggy — Like it was glitching out — and almost AI-generated.

"Tell mee, what's your faaaaaavourite scary movie?" The heavy glitching in the speaker's voice made their words draw out and distort, but nonetheless, you responded. "Uhm... That one My Little Pony Movie—"

The speaker on the other side laughed a bit, "Hah, that's a goo- Wait what?" They sounded confused by your answer, like they'd never heard it before. "Did I stutter?" You questioned, making the caller chuckle.

"Gotta say, never heard that one before, Should I try it?" They questioned sarcastically, getting a laugh out of you. "Yeah — you should... But let me warn you that shit is TERRIFYING."

You answered with a smile, before the caller gassed and it sounded like their phone was dropped to the floor, and they so rudely hung up on you. Come on, you weren't that boring or annoying to talk to...

You shrugged it off as a rude prank caller and continued your movie. Maybe another half hour though, you were snapped out of your movie-watching focus by the lamp on your bedside going out, plunging you into the bedroom's darkness, only illuminated by the Terrifier on the television.

You turn to the side to turn the lamp back on, but as you turn back to the television you're jumpscared with... the sight of a blonde boy crawling out of the screen? It looked like Link but a twelve year old with red eyes crying blood.

"What the FUUU—" You screamed, throwing a pillow at the Link look-alike. "GET OUTTA MY TELLY THAT SHIT WAS EXPENSIVE—" You shouted, not even scared of the bot but of your parents if he broke the TV.

The boy got out of the screen somehow and began to levitate, floating over you. "Heeeeeeeellllo!" He chimed with the same amount of lag and static as that phone caller. Come to think of it, he sounded just like the guy.

"I'm sorry but I gotta kill you since my boss found out I was talking to you— But you were right! I'm only like thirty minutes into that MLP movie and that shit's HORRENDOUS!" You were surprised; first of all, someone agreed with your thoughts on that TERRIBLE film? And second — You were wanted DEAD?

"Buuuuut, I can offer ya somethin'!" You perked up at the offer, looking up at the boy and signalling that you were listening. "I can take ya to my boss and ask him to keep ya? You seem pretty cool to have around in my opinion,"

He smiled, hoisting you up, making you gasp as you dangle your legs in the air. "You'd make a pretty good housecat, hm?" He laughed, setting you back down on the edge of the bed and patting your head. "Whaddaya say? Be a house cat or die?"

You deadpanned for a moment. Be a house cat? What did he mean by that? To be honest, you were vastly confused. You were oddly intrigued by this surreal offer. You slowly nodded in agreement, your eyes widening in anticipation.

"Okay," you whispered, your heart pounding in your chest. "I'll be your house cat." The boy smiled, hoisting you back up into the air. "Hah! And Jeff said no one'd ever take that 'shitty' offer!" He laughed and carried you over to the television.

With no further words, the boy literally shoved you into the screen, and you fell right through. "Gah! What the fuck!?—" You shouted, shutting your eyes as you hit the floor, hearing a few gasps around you and the boy following you behind.

"Guys! Guys! I got us a cat!!" He remarked with a joyful tone, hoisting you up in his arms and showcasing you. Someone audibly sighed — "BEN, that's not a cat..." A feminine voice pointed out.

"That's not the point, I got us something to laze around the house and act like a bastard!" the boy — apparently named Ben — huffed in response. The woman sighed again, "BEN, we already have one of those; his name's Jeff."

Someone snapped — "Hey!" making Ben laugh. "Fuck d'ya mean by that? I'll rip that fuckin' wig off your head—" Opening your eyes, you're met with a sight: four people sitting on a couch facing you.

The first of them looked to be a young girl — maybe eight or nine — she wore a pink nightgown with stains of dirt and blood on it. Her hair was a reddish chestnut brown and a bit messy, and had dried blood stuck to her roots and fresh ruby-red blood trickling down her forehead.

The second of the group was a boy who looked to be in his early twenties. He had a large gash of a reopened scar on the side of his mouth, showcasing his bloodied teeth. He had orange goggles hung from his neck and wore a hoodie with a striped pattern going down his sleeves.

The third of the group was a man who looked to be twenty-four to twenty-six, with shaggy and knotted raven hair draping over his shoulders. He wore a white hoodie stained with blood and smelt of weed, cigarettes, and blood. His skin was deathly pale, his eyes were wide with no eyelids and a smile was carved ear-to-ear, looking scarred over.

The fourth of the group looked to be around the same age as the third. Her skin looked burnt and scarred, but relatively healed, and a mask was placed over her face with obsidian eyes and lips. Her hair was long and jet black, and well taken care of, and she wore a midnight black dress with high heels.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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