Starkiller vs. Delsin Rowe

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Interlude: When it comes to great power it's always come with great responsibility, even if sometimes that responsibility is shoved in your face when someone that is close to you gets killed and it sucks for them


Starkiller, the secret apprentice of Darth Vader

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Starkiller, the secret apprentice of Darth Vader

Delsin Rowe

Delsin Rowe, the spray painting delinquent bio-terrorist of Seattle

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Delsin Rowe, the spray painting delinquent bio-terrorist of Seattle


Delsin Rowe


Backstory: The young Delsin Rowe was a delinquent of the Akomish tribe and he was attending to his tribe's party when suddenly a transport of Conduits came out of nowhere and crashed the party and found a conduit with a smoking problem, and by smoking problem I mean he has the power to control smoke. When Delsin met this conduit he has discovered he has the power to absorb the powers of other conduits. The Department of Unified Protection or DUP was lead by Augustine and she is on a mission to contain all of the conduits or Bio-Terrorists as they call them. She then put concrete spikes on all the Akomish and Delsin and his brother went off to Seattle to get the power he needs to save his tribe once and for all.


-Name: Delsin Rowe

-Native Tribe: Akomish

-Age: 24

-Powers: Power Mimicry, Smoke, Neon, Video, and Concrete

-If he was in Curdan Cay he would have access to Paper, Wire, and Glass powers

-Successor of Cole MacGrath

-Criminal Record: Resisting Arrest, Breaking Quarantine, Destruction of Property, Vancouver Pact Violations(Good), Bio-Terrorism(Good), Aiding a fugitive(Evil), 1st Degree Murder(Evil)

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