Admiring from afar

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Her Pov

I walked through the aisle of the library which glowed under the moonlight, wrapping it in a warm embrace. I had always found my solace in this library, especially at night. There was something alluring and forbidden in being at the library at night when the whole world was asleep. Technically it was my part time job. And I'd never loved a job more than this. Unlimited free books that too fiction what else can someone ask for.

I reached the second floor and put some books in the shelf from where they were taken. And filled all the racks which were emptied out in the morning. Taking a book which I felt would be the one for tonight and clutching it tightly in my hand i walked down onto the main floor. The library was two storied but it was massive. Stretching from one end to the other with books so old they could be termed ancient. It was situated just three blocks away from my university. In the buzzing city of Manhatten.

I came downstairs and walked over to my favorite spot at the library. It was situated beside a big wooden window which showcased the vacant roads and vivid sky. I flipped the pages of the book. After half an hour I was so engrossed in the book that if I didn't thought to drink some water I wouldn't have heard the sound of a thud from the second floor. My heart stopped beating. It was me alone in the library and till now nothing of this sort had happened. Was it a murderer or a ghost. Definitely not a ghost but that would be much better than a murderer.

The door to the library bashed open. Revealing Sophia, the owner of the library. She was actually out of the city for a week so now that she was here at this time of the night I guess she didn't get any sleep without seeing her library. "Valerie you can go if you want. I'll take over. I missed this" she said with a voice which swelled with longing. Surprising but it is Sophia we are talking about.

I nodded but went upstairs to keep the book I had in hand and also to check on that sound from earlier. I walked through the sixth aisle and placed my book in the shelf and looked around to see if there was truly someone or if it was just my mind playing tricks on me. My breath hitched in my throat when two hands grabbed me from behind and pinned me against the shelf. My back facing them. Who ever they were their hands were big because it wrapped around both my hands in a single twist. Appealing even. "Shhh. Dont try to scream sweetheart. That'll only get us both in trouble" the voice whispered in my ears, it touched the sensitive tip of my neck and ear sending tingles down my spine.

I may have got a new kink because why the hell wasn't I scared. It was a he, from the voice that much became clear. He tightened his hold when I tried to squirm. I turned around and was met with the face which I despised the most in the world. Kink yes definitely but it was the kink to punch his perfectly fine face into a pathetic mess. Because standing before me with his one hand closed around my hands were no one but my well renowed enemy. Christopher.

I tried to open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but he closed his other hand around my mouth before I could instill some sense into him. "Not now love, maybe when we're alone. Otherwise I would be caught and you would lose this job for not being careful while closing the door" he said his voice the only sound in the eerily lit library. I just hoped Sophia didn't come looking for me right now.

"What were you thinking of? Sneaking into the library at night." I asked when he lowered his hands a little bit to let me breath. "I just can't let you be alone in such a massive building" he taunted. Oh so now he is making fun of me.

His pov

Who is gonna tell this woman that I'd been at the library countless nights to look after her. Leaving the library each morning with a sleepless night and a major headache at the lack of sleep but I was glad that she was safe.

Her pov

I looked at him. My heart raced at the intensity with which he looked. I was certain that my heart was throbbing but the reason was not me being scared it was the man in front of me.

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