🍭8.- Angel with a broken wing

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*third person's POV*

After faking an enormous amount of smiles, Ishan returned to his hotel room, shutting the door close silently.

It was late at night and he just couldn't handle it more. There was so much that was pressing upon him and burdening him.
He felt a lot of emotions rush through him. It felt wrong to cry. It felt like it wasn't his place to cry.

He had everything one could wish for in life. Good parents, siblings, money, a house, food, and above all, he even got to make his passion his career.
There were many who didn't even have any one of these and to Ishan it felt as if crying was really not right. He wasn't the one who should be crying. He wasn't supposed to ask for more. And he didn't even know what 'more' he wanted to ask for.

He turned off the lights, the silence becoming his final trigger. He instantly let out a chocked sob. Tears flowing out of his eyes like a river. He covered his face with his hands, the sobs muffling so no one else could hear them.

His hands were becoming wet from all the tears that were wiping on them.

I know it's wrong to cry. What more could I ask for? It feels wrong. I have everything, and I know I shouldn't ask for more, but I still do.

He spoke silently between the sobs, his face covered, body trembling and the room dark.

On the other side, Shubman could sense something was off with Ishan today. He just knew it. He just felt it. He saw there was no light in his eyes today. That it wasn't the same smile he loved. It wasn't his same best friend.
It wasn't the same Ishan he loves.

He decided to stop by Ishan's room, and he heard nothing. He went inside, not making a single noise, luckily the door was open.

He then heard very low sobs. Ishan?

He couldn't believe how much he was crying. Of course, Ishan was still unaware of his presence, and he still was sobbing.

Shubman sat on the floor, waiting for Ishan to stop. He didn't want to interrupt him, because he knew how much he needed to cry... He let him shed the tears, speak the words. He waited for him.

A few minutes later, Ishan stopped crying. He looked at his hands. They weren't very visible, but they were wet, and filled with marks of pain. He then noticed he wasn't alone in the room.

"Ishan it's me, Shubman"
"Shubman... How long have you been-"
"Quite long, Ishu. But don't worry. It's safe with me. Trust me Ishan. Just for tonight maybe. I swear I won't tell a soul... Just sleep, Ishan. You need rest. I know you do... Just listen to me for once. You don't have to say anything. One single word, it can wait till the morning"

Ishan knew he could give in. Shubman was his best friend and on top of that, he had a big crush on him. He didn't want him to see him in such a state, but if he already has then he wishes he'd stay till he's back to a better one.

Shubman wiped the remaining tears from Ishan's face and kissed his forehead.
"Please sleep, Bubs. I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying next to you"

Ishan then laid down properly on the bed with Shubman still sitting on the floor, caressing his hair.
Soon, Ishan and Shubman both were asleep. Shubman was so tired from the practice and Ishan's eyes and head hurt from crying a lot.


Ishan woke up in the middle of his sleep, feeling uneasy and weird in the bed.
He saw that Shubman was sleeping on the floor. He then got down and laid down next to him, wrapping himself in Shubman's arm.

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