M, 4

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Now, lying restlessly in her bed, Mikha struggles against the scratchy sheets and stifling heat of the room. The silence of the night amplifies her discomfort, her mind refusing to succumb to sleep. 

When the door creaks open, she anticipates Sheena's nocturnal wanderings, but the figure that enters is different, unfamiliar.

Turning to face the unexpected visitor, Mikha's eyes widen as she sees Aiah standing beside her bed. The sight surprises her, stirring a mix of apprehension and curiosity within her.

"Hey," Aiah's voice is softer than usual, carrying a hint of weariness that tugs at Mikha's heartstrings. Despite her efforts to stifle it, Mikha finds herself thinking it's endearing, though she quickly pushes that thought aside.

"Hi," Mikha responds after a pause, her eyes wide open, betraying her inability to sleep. She doesn't bother pretending otherwise; her voice and the state of her eyes make it evident that sleep hasn't visited her tonight. Not that she can't sleep, of course... she's just... lost in thought.

"I can't sleep," Aiah confesses, prompting Mikha's anticipation for the next request.

"Can I stay here?"

It's not an uncommon request. Aiah used to join ]Mikha's bed often, a habit that Mikha never quite understood. Attempts to inquire about it were always dismissed by Aiah, leaving Mikha to wonder about the true motive behind those nocturnal visits.

Back in their dorm days, Aiah would slip into Mikha's bed occasionally, seeking neither physical comfort nor intimacy. She merely wanted presence, and Mikha was more than willing to provide it. Yet, Aiah always left before Mikha stirred from sleep.

It had been weeks, maybe even months, since their last shared slumber. Mikha recalls the shift in sleeping partners, with Stacey now occupying the spot Aiah once did. She tries not to dwell on the change, convincing herself that their previous closeness had run its course. But deep down, she longs for the warmth and comfort that Aiah's presence brought.

Despite her conflicting emotions, Mikha agrees with a hesitant "sure." As Aiah settles beside her, the warmth of her body seeps through the blanket, enveloping Mikha in a cocoon of comfort. She feels a pang of longing to say something, to acknowledge Aiah's presence, but the moment has passed, and silence reigns between them.

Mikha lets her thoughts drift, her gaze fixed on the ceiling obscured by darkness. She wonders if the ceiling looks different when unseen, imagining the possibility of it changing color with the flick of a light switch.

"Can I tell you something?"

Aiah's voice breaks the silence, a gentle interruption that always seems to initiate their conversations. Mikha hums in response, signaling her readiness to listen.

"Between every two random objects, empty space will always be created between them. Every single second, probably even milliseconds, nothing but empty space exists between two objects. And the further apart they are, the more space will exist. It's very obvious between celestial bodies, which is why our Universe is expanding. I thought it was cool."

Mikha may not comprehend much about space or astronomy, but she finds the concept fascinating nonetheless. The sheer magnitude of the universe and its complexities never fails to awe her.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool," she replies, though her mind is preoccupied with the implications of the space between them. It's a small distance physically, but emotionally, it feels vast and insurmountable.

"Even between us,"  Aiah adds, prompting Mikha's heart to race with uncertainty. Why did Aiah choose to mention that now? The statement only fuels Mikha's overthinking, adding more questions to her already tangled web of thoughts.

"But it's so small you can barely count it, right?" Mikha responds, attempting to dismiss the weight of Aiah's words.

Mikha has always harbored thoughts and assumptions about Aiah's nocturnal visits, but she pushes them aside, unwilling to confront the feelings they stir within her. She's adept at ignoring and suppressing unwanted emotions, a skill she learned during her time in her student days. But despite her efforts, doubts linger in the recesses of her mind, surfacing when she least expects them.

As Aiah shifts beside her, Mikha tenses, her thoughts spiraling into chaos. She vehemently denies any feelings for Aiah, dismissing them as foolish and irrational. But the more she protests, the more her mind betrays her, conjuring up images and sensations that she struggles to rationalize.

The warmth of Aiah's breath against her face sends shivers down Mikha's spine, igniting a flurry of conflicting emotions within her. She adamantly denies any romantic interest in Aiah, but her body betrays her, reacting in ways that betray her convictions.

Whenever Aiah expresses a desire to talk, Mikha's instinct is to resist, to distance herself from the uncomfortable thoughts swirling in her mind. But she acquiesces, albeit reluctantly, as Aiah's presence exerts a magnetic pull that she finds impossible to resist.

As Aiah drifts off to sleep, Mikha is left alone with her thoughts, grappling with the tangled mess of emotions that threaten to consume her. The sunrise brings no solace, only a stark reminder of the dawn of a new day filled with uncertainty and unspoken truths.

This time,
She does feel Aiah leave her bed.

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